jkarras wrote:The CLOSE_WAIT state means that the close process has started. The first of the FIN flags have been sent. So actually the program has finished communicating. If a program was waiting for data netstat would not show this. It would just show ESTABLISHED. This you would have to look to the program for that kind of information not the TCP stack. If the program could not connect you would probably see the SYN_SENT stuck until the timer expires.
FYI my computer shows the same traceroute. It is a firewall blocking the echo requests. You can see the same things with other providers that like to do that.
It also should be noted that the IP you were tracerouting is
http://www.familysearchindexing.org. So the fact that you could browse to get the jnlp file shows that it is not a network issue. The issue must be with the Java version or some other problem.
Is this the first time you have run this program? I seem to remember a similar problem when I told the system to go offline. It wouldn't work correct after that. I had to delete the java web start cache to get the program to reload. It should also be noted that I was using Java 6 it may have even been a beta of Java 6 at the time. I have not used the indexing application for a while but I do remember those problems.
Thanks for the explanations about TCP state and the identity of the IP address. I wonder whether there's a reason there is apparently no reverse DNS entry. (If there's not a reason for a lack of reverse DNS entry, maybe somebody should look into that.)
Freemind and the WmTest program mentioned earlier work fine. I tried WmTest with both Java 1.5.0_13 and 1.6, and it works fine with both. The Java 1.6 javaws viewer does have a problem, but the 1.5 viewer works fine.
My first attempt with the indexing application was with Java 1.5.0_09, and it didn't work. Since then, I installed Java 1.5.0_13 and 1.6.0_03. With Java 1.6, the indexing application puts up a second window, smaller and slightly darker background and entirely blank. With Java 1.5, it only puts up the one window. In both cases, the main application window GUI elements are dead in the water, and the main window is blank except for the top menu bar and the bottom status bar.
I have removed the directories and files created by the application (jobq.dat iArchives .java /tmp/iislock) several times just to get rid of any possible old dirt. There is never a difference in symptoms based on old file/directory removal (other than having to download the code).
Are there any other known things to check, odd ports that have to be open, etc.? If not, I guess I'll find out how the support folks handle odd cases.
Thanks for all the efforts to help.