Mikerowaved wrote:I think you misunderstood. There IS an opportunity to select the type of environment the PC is going into from a dropdown list. It's after that, as part of the automated setup, that a screen briefly flashes that has checkmarks on different options to be installed; probably based on the previous environment selection. It would be nice to be able to interact with this screen, but it comes and goes too quickly.
For example, most of the applications the tool installs are outdated versions. It would be nice to keep those from installing, since they're going to be manually reinstalled anyway with updated versions.
Okay. I understand now. I would like to be able to access that screen and make/unmake some selections, as well.
However, my experience as been different. An older box installed Sophos, but the newer ones did not when i installed 8 of them last year. For the older box, I pulled the current provisioning tool from the Church website and ran it again. Sophos did not install that time.
Of course, the provisioning tool has probably been updated/broken/changed since I used it last. And obviously the GSD does not know that it takes special administrative privileges to uninstall Sophos that even they do not have working remotely. There was an update from headquarters that took Sophos off of the other computers in my stake that were not swapped out last year.
The provisioning tool is some type of a batch file. Is it possible there is a keyboard shortcut that might pause it when the selection screen comes up, Ctrl-P or something? Yeah, I am old school. Everything moves too fast for me nowadays.