Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by russellhltn »

Does Fling overcome the security issues?
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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by RossEvans »

I'll give Fling a whirl at home. I still think the Chromecast is a better bet for home use than meetinghouse duty, for the reasons explored earlier in this topic (WiFi bandwidth, security/control issues).
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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by aclawson »

jbtork wrote:AVDH-1 or AVDH-2
A-HA! Where have you been all my life?
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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by mevans »

jbtork wrote:Depending on your install, it is possible to have a VGA connection at the podium for a laptop that connects to the AVDH device that would be located in the Satellite Equipment closet.
What about an HDMI connection? With VGA allegedly going away in 2015, I would hope that the church can provide a solution that works with newer technology as well as older technology. I'm sure we'll have many years of people using VGA connectors after 2015, so I'd want to see both types of connectors available.
jbtork wrote:The input from the VGA is run through a scan converter in the AVDH device and then can be fed throughout the building using the AV equipment in the satellite cabinet, if your building is so equipped.
How well does this technology work with things like Excel (lots of small information that needs to be readable) and video? It's becoming more frequent that visiting General Authorities come with a laptop, and that's when we need to be able to distribute it to other rooms in the building.
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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by drepouille »

As for VGA connectors, I was annoyed to find that the new 32-inch TVs that FM just gave us have a VGA input connector, but no 3.5mm mini-stereo plug input. I guess LG assumed we would naturally use external speakers, rather than the internal TV speakers.

The first 32-inch LG TV we received has a 3.5mm input jack, but cannot play mp4 files from a USB flash drive.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by aclawson »

Does it have an RCA audio in?
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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by aebrown »

Moderator notes:

This quote is from the original post of this topic:
craiggsmith wrote:* Not sure if this is the best forum for this. I do wish there were building A/V forum here; a lot of discussions would fit best it such a forum.
Ask and ye shall receive (sometimes, eventually, if you're patient enough). This topic has been moved to the new Meetinghouse Audio/Video forum, the creation of which was triggered by that original post. Thanks, craiggsmith, for the suggestion.

Also, please note that this post was originally unintentionally posted in the Redirecting a/v to building distribution topic; that post and two responses to it have been moved here (the topic that was originally desired) and edited slightly to fit in the correct context.
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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by russellhltn »

mevans wrote:How well does this technology work with things like Excel (lots of small information that needs to be readable) and video? It's becoming more frequent that visiting General Authorities come with a laptop, and that's when we need to be able to distribute it to other rooms in the building.
I'm pretty sure that once you drop to composite video, you're back somewhere around the 40 character/line for readability.

Of course, if you're planning on people in the back of the chapel to read it, the presentation needs to be close to that anyway. But the front row people will see a noticeable difference when it come to spreadsheets, etc.
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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by brycewj »

Craig Smith

if you are in the Stake Center, you can use the Satellite rack and a video camera to view it in any room that has a TV outlet. There is a hookup in the rack that allows this if its connected in the Chapel, let me know if I can help we had done this a couple of times with General meetings that need to viewed in different rooms due to the number of people attending.

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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by rgdlm »

I am dealing with this same issue this coming Sunday the 15th of September. There is so much to take in already with all of the posts on this thread. We tried a couple of different options log me in and a go to meeting type connection. Neither one worked well over the wireless. The best connection achieved was to an Ipad but we don't have a lightning connector for it to hook up to the vga port on the projector. They are $50 but don't know if we want to invest in a guess. I am intrigued by using the idea of using the satellite system that is already in place but really don't have a clue where to start.
Also the fact we have 3 Stakes coming together in the evening after the regional conference broadcast the same day I find it hard to believe we will have anyone sitting in the cultural hall.

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