Stake Technology Specialist Notebook

Training and role of the STS
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Re: Stake Technology Specialist Notebook

Post by russellhltn »

Biggles wrote:Yes that is a starting point for the necessary tools, but there aren't any detailed instructions on what the tools do and in what order they should be deployed.
It is what it is, but it's what's available.

It would probably be a good idea to include the phone number for FHC Support - and the caution to not accept any answer as authoritive (or even correct) unless it can be backed by a "Knowledge Document" or other documentation.
Biggles wrote:For an example, when should you deploy the Landesk uninstaller after using the FHC image DVD!
I believe that Trivoli will take care of that for you.
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Re: Stake Technology Specialist Notebook

Post by leejj »

We need to add to the notebook how to convince stakes not to have their own unofficial FHCs.
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Re: Stake Technology Specialist Notebook

Post by johnshaw »

Unofficial FHC / VS computer-only FHC - One thing I used to convince them about either fishing or cut bait, was to go through the process of approving the FHC, it usually comes with a nice computer and a MFP.
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Re: Stake Technology Specialist Notebook

Post by russellhltn »

johnshaw wrote:Unofficial FHC / VS computer-only FHC - One thing I used to convince them about either fishing or cut bait, was to go through the process of approving the FHC, it usually comes with a nice computer and a MFP.
I'd think a bigger one would be access to the premium websites that are available to an official FHC.
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Re: Stake Technology Specialist Notebook

Post by weldon »

We've been using to coordinate across the STS and AV team needs. There is a free level for a single project that works great. We can schedule events that require AV support and discuss across the team how we are going to handle the needs. When we have stake conference, we also use Slack to communicate in real time across buildings.

I use Evernote for capturing notes and adding photos of the AV setup, modem serial numbers, etc. to a note for each building. I can then print out the notes, or share them with others on the web. Sometimes I export to PDF to upload into the basecamp project for reference.

We've also incorporated a few Google Docs as a shared repository of information.
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Re: Stake Technology Specialist Notebook

Post by jwunsch300 »

I like the idea of a good old fashion book. No batteries top die, no network connections to go down, just plain and simple data. We are building our "Smart Book" as we call it with photo's and all. Slow but sure....
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Re: Stake Technology Specialist Notebook

Post by russellhltn »

jwunsch300 wrote:I like the idea of a good old fashion book. No batteries top die, no network connections to go down, just plain and simple data. We are building our "Smart Book" as we call it with photo's and all. Slow but sure....
Just make sure to have backup copies. Otherwise, it will go home with someone and fail to git to the next person.
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Re: Stake Technology Specialist Notebook

Post by johnshaw »

russellhltn wrote:
jwunsch300 wrote:I like the idea of a good old fashion book. No batteries top die, no network connections to go down, just plain and simple data. We are building our "Smart Book" as we call it with photo's and all. Slow but sure....
Just make sure to have backup copies. Otherwise, it will go home with someone and fail to git to the next person.
Exactly why we put it online.... A book I never knew existed was developed by an ExecSec prior to my call as Stake Clerk/STS and I was relearning things that we found one member of the 'old' stake presidency had the book that would've saved me a real large amount of hours.
“A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom.”
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Re: Stake Technology Specialist Notebook

Post by enomichael »

this is a very good idea, i would like to be updated with the progress of the notebook, i love this idea, as a newly called sts, i was kind of lacking already build info about technology assets in my stake, so i had to compile the inventory my self. i could be reached on, Eket Nigeria Stake STS.

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