Configure New Clerk Computers?

Discussions around the setup, operation, replacement, and disposal of clerk computers, not to include using MLS
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Re: Configure New Clerk Computers?


Post by Mikerowaved »

russellhltn wrote:I've seen one early 3.0 computer with the fast ports only in the back.
We're drifting a bit off topic, so let me just state the latest Lenovo [micro-sized] PC's I received a week ago from the FM group have 4 rear USB ports and 2 front ones and they were ALL USB 3.

I'm also using a USB flash drive for configuring all 8 PC's destined for our stake. Some of the software issued by CHQ was out of date including MLS(!), so I opted to install many of them myself.

Currently I've got them all switched on and getting all the updates needed from my wireless network at home. Ever couple of hours, I reboot them to get past all the time wasted waiting for the updates to install. If/when they reboot quickly, I know they're close to being ready.
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Re: Configure New Clerk Computers?


Post by Biggles »

If all the computers are the same make and model, using a USB 3 memory stick large enough to contain a fully updated image, created by using something like Clonezilla. It's possible to reduce the imaging time to considerably less than an hour.

The procedure I used was to prepare one computer loaded with every thing needed to make it operational, updates, programs etc., but not to complete the Unit identification. Clone the computer. Fill in the Unit details and the computer is ready to go. The other computers can then be prepared very quickly. If in the future another computer requires reimaging, then it is simply a question of carrying out the reimaging process, updating that computer and then make an up to date image.

Thanks to russelhltn for mentioning the use of Clonzilla, in another forum. Has saved me days of work since.
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Re: Configure New Clerk Computers?


Post by russellhltn »

Biggles wrote:If all the computers are the same make and model, using a USB 3 memory stick large enough to contain a fully updated image, created by using something like Clonezilla. It's possible to reduce the imaging time to considerably less than an hour.
I do that for laptops at work. Not a memory stick, but a external hard drive. The process takes about 20 minutes. It would be closer to 50 if using USB 2.
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Re: Configure New Clerk Computers?


Post by Mikerowaved »

How do programs like Clonezilla handle the different usernames needed for each PC? As you know, the username contains the unit number and I'm afraid the steps needed to manually rename a user account, including changing the folder name (using a different admin account), and changing the registry to exactly match your tinkering, might be a bit beyond some STS's comfort level.
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Re: Configure New Clerk Computers?


Post by Biggles »

Mikerowaved wrote:How do programs like Clonezilla handle the different usernames needed for each PC? As you know, the username contains the unit number and I'm afraid the steps needed to manually rename a user account, including changing the folder name (using a different admin account), and changing the registry to exactly match your tinkering, might be a bit beyond some STS's comfort level.
All the clerk computers in our Stake use the same login Username. The Clerks are expected to change the login, to a password unique to their ward. Their is no need, or requirement to create additional Admin accounts, but that is obviously down to individual Stake/STS preferences. The Unit Number is entered as LU- and left blank to be filled in by the STS before distribution to the individual units. The whole process, as I briefly mentioned in my earlier post (barring additional updates), can take less than 40 minutes for each computer.
If the last computer is brought up to date, then cloned (which can take up to 20 minutes (off the top of my head)) to complete, you are in a position to re-image any additional/corrupted computers quite quickly.

Last year I was asked by our FM Group Manager to re-image (Supplied with FHC image) most of the Clerk Meetinghouse computers, under his jurisdiction. This was about 15, as I recall. Doing the computers individually would have taken weeks rather than a few days. As an example, on one occasion, I did five computers in less 6 hours, ready to go!
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Re: Configure New Clerk Computers?


Post by Mikerowaved »

Biggles wrote:
Mikerowaved wrote:How do programs like Clonezilla handle the different usernames needed for each PC?
All the clerk computers in our Stake use the same login Username...
Yep, that used to be the case. I'm currently going through the process of setting up 8 new Lenovo PC's for our stake and I can verify the church's initialization script asks early on for the unit number. When it finishes, a new user is created called "Unit xxxxxx", where the xxxxxx is the unit number where that PC will be installed. If 2 or more units share a PC, they each get their own username based on their unit number. As you mentioned, each unit is now asked to come up with their own password. I very much like what the church has done in this area.

And yes, I created a StakeAdmin account so I can have access to any PC in the stake without having to know all the passwords.
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Re: Configure New Clerk Computers?


Post by burrguy »

Its depressing to see this post, its been 7 years and nothing has been done with this issue. I still receive computers from facilities that don't have an image. If they do come with an image the windows 7 image is available but the windows 10 image is not. The biggest problem is MLS needs to be able to run on the local admin account, but requires admin privileges
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Re: Configure New Clerk Computers?


Post by tasipalet »

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Re: Configure New Clerk Computers?


Post by aebrown »

Clearly you have an LDS Account (with its associated username and password), since you used it to sign in to to make this forum post.

As long as that LDS Account is properly connected to your Membership Record Number, that is the username and password you would use as stake clerk to access Leader and Clerk Resources and other parts of you would use for your calling as stake clerk.

I'm not sure why you posted this in a discussion of new clerk computers. Perhaps you are referring to a username and password for the MLS software that runs on the stake's administrative computer. In that case, you will need to get help from a current MLS administrator. This could be the stake technology specialist, or some other existing assistant stake clerk, or the stake executive secretary, or a member of the stake presidency, or the previous stake clerk. Note that the MLS username and password is distinct from your LDS Account username and password.
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Re: Configure New Clerk Computers?


Post by russellhltn »

It's unclear what login you are referring to.

If it's access to resources on, the LDS Account that has your MRN associated with it will gain "stake clerk" rights in about 24 hours after your calling is recorded properly.

If it's access to the stake computer itself, the normal practice is for everyone to share a common Windows login.

If it's access to the stake MLS program on the Stake computer, that will need to be set up by an existing MLS administrator.

Regardless, this all will need to be handled at the local level. This is a user-to-user support forum. No one here can set you up.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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