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Re: Form for Tracking Calling
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:32 pm
by vandrerh looks really handy. I am my Stake's Executive Secretary and need a tool to keep tracks of callings and releases. Does anyone have experience with it? I also worry about confidentiality. I sure wish that the Church would add this capability to Leader and Clerk Resources.
Re: Form for Tracking Calling
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:08 pm
by russellhltn
It's not a church-owned site. Personally, I'd avoid any site that want you to upload/enter information about other people. If members enter information about themselves, that's their choice. But having a leader enter member information into a non-church site without their permission or knowledge seems like a bad idea.
Re: Form for Tracking Calling
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:44 pm
by davemoore99
So is anyone using I am really wanting to get our stake callings better orgainzed. I am the stake clerk and have spreadsheets/google forms setup but would love somethign more organized. Where things seem to fall through the cracks is later in the process of a calling. We seem to be good until we get to who is assigned to call a member, who is assigned to sustain them and then who is assigned to set them apart. Would love to use some sort of main Dashboard where everthing is on ONE place. Thanks all, I know this thread is a little old...
Re: Form for Tracking Calling
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 1:58 pm
by mmacconnell
We have been using for awhile now. But sadly they have a note posted that they are shutting down. Now we are looking into having to move to something else. Wonder if others have a good tool for tracking on the Stake Level. This one was great because it would send the High Council polls and track the responses for us.