Re: Ward Calendar Not Working: Give us a moment
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 11:33 pm
The emoticon list appears to be a misdirected attempt at giving a rating of satisfaction of what you are sending feedback about. There are five emoticons ranging from 'hate' to 'love'. Click one and you finally get to the text box for your feedback. They provide a cryptic explanation of the 4.0 release and what limited features have been added. There is mention of a green feedback button to submit administrative function requests. I have yet to find that green feedback button. Unless they are color blind, the only button I find is a blue one that is currently found at the bottom right of the page. I have not yet needed to submit an administrative request so I cannot say how long it takes to get what you need done. But it does require an administrator to remember how the old calendar system worked, what features were available, and what settings had been made. For example I cannot remember who or what callings had been given what permissions.
Our ward has all but given up on the calendar since it has been over three months since the release of version 4.0. The organizations are using restricted access Facebook and other social media sites to keep their organization members informed. Scheduling of the meetinghouse is the old school use of a single person building scheduler using who-knows-what to keep track of reservations.