Ability to see own status of Youth Protection training

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Re: Ability to see own status of Youth Protection training

Post by russellhltn »

dainon wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:10 pm Let's get this fixed, please!
To whom are you addressing this? This forum is primarily user-to-user.

The developers do not work on what they desire. They act under the direction of the church leadership who signs their paychecks. This needs to be taken up with church leadership.

You can do that by using the feedback link on the web pages, or by asking your stake president to take it up with his coordinating council.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Ability to see own status of Youth Protection training

Post by BrianEdwards »

[[EDIT]] I saw that russelhltn posted a similar response at the same time I did, so mine is essentially a duplicate
Do you need help adding this feature to the site?
Just to set expectations, this Forum is primarily a member-to-member help forum, and not a place for Feedback or Functionality Requests. Another reality is that from what we understand, the Church's IT department is not as large as many expect, and Church leadership sets their development priorities based on factors they judge (which may or may not align with our priorities as users!). You will find that many of the issues raised here on the Forum are items that we all struggle with as well, but the place to submit your feedback is through the standard Feedback mechanism (the link at the bottom of most every page on the Church website). That is the way to get in contact with the Church's decision-makers.

For now the best interim solution I can think of is to express this to your Bishop, and request that he ensure all ward members are aware of their status and alerted a few months before it expires. Obviously not ideal and more effort is required, but it would at least be a workaround until whenever the functionality is added.
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Re: Ability to see own status of Youth Protection training

Post by dainon »

russellhltn wrote:
> [quote=dainon post_id=239607 time=1675627851 user_id=717437]
> Let's get this fixed, please!
> [/quote]
> To whom are you addressing this? This forum is primarily user-to-user.
> The developers do not work on what they desire. They act under the
> direction of the church leadership who signs their paychecks. This needs to
> be taken up with church leadership.
> You can do that by using the feedback link on the web pages, or by asking
> your stake president to take it up with his coordinating council.

Might I suggest you remove the subdomain 'tech' from the site and call it something more akin to what it really is then? As an IT professional and a Stake Technology specialist, to me, it appears the subdomain on the official church domain is misleading.

Being that you two are moderators on a church owned site, I am quite confident you can get some feedback to the official church IT department. Especially knowing that sending feedback up the Bishop channel is a dead end.

My offer still stands. I am willing to do some development for free, as would be the case for many of the peers in my circle of influence in the name of protecting children and keeping members advised of their status.
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Re: Ability to see own status of Youth Protection training

Post by BrianEdwards »

My offer still stands...
Throughout the years I have seen many Forum members who have offered similar free help, and nothing has ever come of that. My impression (with zero knowledge) is that the Church has purposefully organized its development efforts the way they currently are set up, and that regardless of how many experienced developers are willing to engage for free, the "decision-makers" have determined that a closed-house effort is their choice. Lots of guesses as to why, but the end result is that unfortunately you, and the many other church members with experience and availability, won't be able to participate.

Others on the Forum might have ideas about where you might try contacting somebody in Church IT, but I expect that posts here on the Forum are unlikely to connect you with anyone. Our moderators can speak for themselves, but I don't believe they have any special abilities beyond standard Forum mod stuff.
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Re: Ability to see own status of Youth Protection training

Post by eblood66 »

BrianEdwards wrote: Sat Feb 25, 2023 6:21 pm regardless of how many experienced developers are willing to engage for free, the "decision-makers" have determined that a closed-house effort is their choice.
Quite a few years ago the church did make an attempt to use volunteer effort. I assisted as a project manager and developer on one such project and was involved in one other as well. But in the end it didn't work out. I can't say all the reasons.

I think part of it was the unreliability of the availability of most volunteers. I know that the number of hours I was able to volunteer varied greatly from week to week. That makes planning hard.

Another is the sensitivity of the data that most of these applications need to access. One of the projects I worked on was specifically to develop a fake membership database for development and testing but it's really a very large and difficult problem and the database never became really viable.

And finally there were disagreements from some developers with the direction the church wanted to take with some applications. In a few cases there were hard feelings. I think there was concern that this effort was resulting in contention.

None of that is official and is just my personal observations and opinions. But the church did make an attempt and then slowly backed off until almost all development (except some development and testing of the Gospel Library on some platforms) is done in-house.
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Re: Ability to see own status of Youth Protection training

Post by rotrans »

Is there a glitch in the system saying a member is due when they are not. Bishopric Counselor approached me and asked me to complete the training. I looked at his paper and it said the last time I did my training was Aug 2022. The training is supposed to last 3 years.
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Re: Ability to see own status of Youth Protection training

Post by brown3894 »

I don't have a calling that requires me to take the training, but I was asked to be a driver/chaperone for our stake youth conference. I completed the training and like others said, you don't get a completion certificate or any proof. When my bishop ran his report, to send to the stake, I don't appear on the list because I'm not called to serve the youth. I am going to retake the training and do a screen print. No matter the reason you take the training you should get some form of proof that you, the taker, can see.
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Re: Ability to see own status of Youth Protection training

Post by cheriemason1 »

Where can I see the date I completed the Youth Protection Training. When my temple president asks if I have completed this training, I have to go to my bishop or ward clerk and ask them for a document showing my completion. The system should permit the completion date to appear on my member profile and permit the printing of a certificate of some type that I can give to my temple presidency to confirm I completed the training. Having the bishop in the loop is unnecessary.

Please advise when this training will appear on my profile. Thanks.
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Re: Ability to see own status of Youth Protection training

Post by jdlessley »

cheriemason1 wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:39 pm Where can I see the date I completed the Youth Protection Training.
That is not currently possible. Only the bishopric, executive secretary, and ward clerks with membership permissions have access to the training report.
cheriemason1 wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:39 pm Please advise when this training will appear on my profile. Thanks.
The forum is user-to-user discussion and self help. Those who make the decisions for making such things happen do not visit the forums. This is an often discussed need capability. And it makes sense to a number of forum users. You can make your suggestion using the feedback link found at the bottom of most churchofjesuschrist.org web pages. Do not expect to get a personal answer. If you get a response it will most likely be an automated message that your feedback has been received.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the ChurchofJesusChrist.org Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Ability to see own status of Youth Protection training

Post by lajackson »

cheriemason1 wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:39 pm Where can I see the date I completed the Youth Protection Training.
As a temple worker, you should be able to go to the Temple Information System Worker Portal, click on the three-bar expanded dropdown menu at the top left of the page, and select Profile and Preferences. On that page you should see the status of your Protecting Children and Youth Training. If you have completed it, the expiration date will be shown.

The temple will be able to see the same information.

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