russellhltn wrote:lajackson wrote:For stake conferences, I would like to have an hour pre-buffer and at least 10 minutes post-buffer.
Unless a different stake is sharing the building (and equipment), I'm not sure why such a short post-buffer is being used for stake conference. I know the event can be extended, and at least for stake conference, you're going to have your "A" team in action.
I work in TV production and if there is anything I know, its that things go wrong all the time. Our crew call is 5 hours before Air precisely for the fact that things go wrong and needs to be fixed before air.
With that said, church broadcasts (anything other than general conference and other high level broadcasts) are typically low budget productions put together with mismatched gear. This leads to constant problems on many levels. We just did our stake conference last week which turned out pretty good. Chuck Criddle was our tech and he did a great job making sure our visiting authority (Elder Tim Dyches) had all his tech needs taken care of. At the end of our training meetings the day before, I discussed with Elder Dyches what would be happening the next day and how it would be run. I was up and running an hour before which was my plan, Elder Dyches came on about 20 mins. before, and we started on time and ended about 10 mins late.
That was a good example. My worst event was during one of the first broadcasted regional conferences about 4-5 years ago. In short, the church's server couldn't handle the load of every stake center in the west and it crashed. I didn't know that it crashed so I was literally running in the chapel trying to get it going to no avail. The bad thing was that I connected to the server and was receiving the broadcast prior to start time and then it disconnected which sent me on a wild goose chase. After that day, I wanted an answer why I failed about a thousand people expecting to watch the broadcast portion. Called Salt Lake, kept getting transferred "up the ladder" till I could talk to someone not reading typical responses.
I vowed to never let that experience repeat itself as long as I was the STS and it never has. I just have a few requests.
1. Please make the post buffer around 15 mins. Our sacrament often times goes over 5 mins, but very rarely goes 15 mins.
2. Please allow a smaller scheduling increment. 1 hour increments are very inconvenient especially since we can no longer overlap even the buffer period.