lajackson wrote:We are being asked to use for the speed tests, but I am getting very strange readings when I use it. For example, on a 20M Down 1M Up service I am seeing 17M down (okay) and 250M up (say what?). Is the program having trouble with a decimal point (like before the 2)? Another test on the same service showed 24M Down and 4M Up. The first test was hardwired. The second test was using WiFi. Other test sites give more expected readings, but dos not provide the loaded and unloaded latency numbers that have been requested.
Who asked you to do that? Did you fill out the report and the church responded asking for more information?
We did a test with the First Presidency Christmas Devotional last Sunday. Two of us took laptops and tablets to the church and streamed the devotional over wifi to each device to try simulating running multiple languages. I don't know how scientific the test was, but we didn't see any buffering. Some of the streams had 30 seconds difference between them. I didn't do a lot of work trying to synchronize the streams. Now that you mention, I'm wondering if there are better tests that we should run.
Of course, what worked on one evening with a non-guaranteed bandwidth internet connection could completely fall apart on another day. With residential internet, your only guarantee is that you'll receive a monthly bill.