Exporting Member Lists to a CSV

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Re: Exporting Member Lists to a CSV


Post by russellhltn »

davesudweeks wrote:I recommend you provide feedback from the custom report page and identify the kind of custom report you need (what information and columns are needed).
I'd also suggest making a "business case" for the request and how it supports the instructions the church has given.

Leaders have been known to go off of tangents and ask for things that are not supported by the Handbook or other official instructions. Showing that this is not a "tangent" makes it mare likely this will happen sooner than later (although probably not soon enough).
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Exporting Member Lists to a CSV


Post by marksi »

I'm a new ward clerk. The bishop has asked me to generate a list of members with odd addresses and another list with even addresses to divide the ward up for meetings during Covid-19. This is a YSA ward. He wants to do it this way because he wants everyone in an apartment to come together and this accomplishes that. Dividing the ward by last name or first name (A-M, N-Z) won't work. I see no way to do this with a custom report. If I could just export the ward list, I could easily do this in Excel. Am I just out of luck?!
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Re: Exporting Member Lists to a CSV


Post by jdlessley »

You can create two custom reports to get what you need. I am assuming by odd or even that you are referring to the street number of the address. If so then the custom report would sort on the "Address - Street 1" criterion using the "Ends With" parameter. You would have to use the "Or" boolean operator for each of the odd ending numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, & 9) in the "Odd Address" report and likewise the even ending numbers for the "Even Address" report.

For example the Odd Address report would include the criterion:
Address - Street 1 Ends With 1 Or
Address - Street 1 Ends With 3 Or
Address - Street 1 Ends With 5 Or ...
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the ChurchofJesusChrist.org Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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