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Re: "Take a Name"

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:40 pm
by wasmith1415
FYI once you have reserved it in your Temple queue, you can always go into Family Search and manage the reservation like you normally would.

Re: "Take a Name"

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:57 pm
by wasmith1415
Folks as a counter argument for using these types of tools, with the new policy about inactive reservations (2 years), using a tool like this to comb your tree would be helpful for finding names just coming off of being "reserved" by someone else. It will all so help with finding those people who just crept out from under the 110 year rule as well, that are not direct line relatives.

Did you Know that there is a similar type of applet built in the the Family Tree applet for Family Search???

If you have a tablet or an iPAD, try the Family Search version of "Take a Name" or Hope Chest". You find it in the Family Tree applet . Once you open the Family Tree applet, for an android, click on the three white bars in the upper left corner on the green bar. This pops out a menu bar, and now select "Ancestors with Tasks" The color symbology is the same as for Family Search, have fun attaching all the documentations, and submitting names.

For the iPAD, on the bar next to the bottom, it has a sigh post symbol, select that and it should take you to the same place.


Re: "Take a Name"

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 4:22 pm
by angieholzer
Feedback for app,

It asks for the user to pay for the app. I am okay with this request, however, I didn't like how it was worded. You are putting people in a position to be dishonest if they simply don't want to pay. I have been helping my aged parents understand this app and they felt obligated to pay because you asked them to pay $ or mark the box, "I can't afford to pay". I think you should change the wording. If you need people to pay, then charge. If you want donations, then ask for them.


Re: "Take a Name"

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 5:56 pm
by russellhltn
angieholzer wrote:It asks for the user to pay for the app. I am okay with this request, however, I didn't like how it was worded. You are putting people in a position to be dishonest if they simply don't want to pay. I have been helping my aged parents understand this app and they felt obligated to pay because you asked them to pay $ or mark the box, "I can't afford to pay". I think you should change the wording. If you need people to pay, then charge. If you want donations, then ask for them.
You need to direct that to the developer. That's not a church created app.

Re: "Take a Name"

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:42 am
by riding15
Thank you for helping me understand. We ran take a name on our iPad for my husband and on an iphone for me. However, now on both devices the names showing are only mine. We have checked the family names before and each device did show both. Then we purchased. And now can't find both families. Do you need any other information?.

Re: "Take a Name"

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:04 pm
by cknutson
riding15 wrote:Thank you for helping me understand. We ran take a name on our iPad for my husband and on an iphone for me. However, now on both devices the names showing are only mine. We have checked the family names before and each device did show both. Then we purchased. And now can't find both families. Do you need any other information?.
Shoot us an email ( and we'll help you with your problem. As russelhltn pointed out previously in this thread, Take a Name is not a FamilySearch product, so questions and feedback should be directed to Kinpoint.

Re: "Take a Name"

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 10:21 am
by cjgreen
Is their any concern about giving our credentials to an app especially since those in leadership positions have access to sensitve information on their profiles.

Re: "Take a Name"

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:25 pm
by russellhltn
cjgreen wrote:Is their any concern about giving our credentials to an app especially since those in leadership positions have access to sensitve information on their profiles.
As long as they are an officially recognized FamilySeach app, you should be OK. I would not give that information to any other app or web page.

Re: "Take a Name"

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 4:12 pm
by deanseila
I like the app and what it can do, I very much appreciate the critiques of how to make the info most supportive. I have a question on the part of the app that asks for payment\donation. Where does this money go? I certainly am willing to support with a donation. But just want to know it is going to the right cause. I am supportive.

Re: "Take a Name"

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 4:18 pm
by russellhltn
deanseila wrote: I have a question on the part of the app that asks for payment\donation. Where does this money go?
It goes to the person/company that wrote the app, just like other paid app.