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Re: Temple Recommend - digital device scanning at temple?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:31 pm
by sbradshaw
russellhltn wrote:
sbradshaw wrote:The trick to authentication is to have single-use barcodes (or NFC codes) that are generated on a church server and have a time-out limit.
An additional problem - how would you authenticate the app? How would we stop anyone with a publicly downloaded app (like LDS Tools) and a stolen LDS Account from getting into the temple?
I don't see that as any different from a stolen paper temple recommend.

Re: Temple Recommend - digital device scanning at temple?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:57 pm
by russellhltn
sbradshaw wrote:I don't see that as any different from a stolen paper temple recommend.
Just the way it can be stolen.

Generally, it's not just the recommend that's stolen, but the whole wallet. That would probably be discovered pretty soon. But how would the owner discover stolen credentials? I suppose you could do what Google does: a "Login from new device" notification. But that means that function would have to be added to LDS Account.

Bottom line, it takes significant effort. And for that effort to be expended, the powers that be would have to see an issue that needs to be solved. It would be cool, but I'm not seeing an issue.

Re: Temple Recommend - digital device scanning at temple?

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:57 am
by rklindquist
My understanding is that a member only needs their 10 digit temple recommend number to enter the temple.

I know someone whose recommend was so faded that he just kept his number on a slip of paper in his wallet. The temple worker would enter his number at the front desk and let him in.

While I currently keep my recommend in my temple bag, it would certainly benefit us business travelers who could keep our "recommend" digitally.

I may test this recommend number process my next couple visits - since I don't have to memorize my wife's number any more on my iPhone, I could now memorize my temple recommend number instead.

Re: Temple Recommend - digital device scanning at temple?

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:45 pm
by lajackson
rklindquist wrote:I know someone whose recommend was so faded that he just kept his number on a slip of paper in his wallet. The temple worker would enter his number at the front desk and let him in.
I am fairly certain that the member had to show his actual faded recommend, as well.

Our temple might let a member in once and ask them to contact their bishop for a new recommend as soon as they are able. Sometimes they treat it as a forgotten recommend and contact the bishop.

Re: Temple Recommend - digital device scanning at temple?

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 11:06 am
by bradcreer
The current paper temple recommend has zero security measures and talk about being easy to forge or use. It will take a major tragedy in a temple for the LDS church to wake up to temple security. I would suggest a current recommend be on a mobile device/smartphone with and thumbprint verification with a scannable barcode that brings up a picture of the member. I currently authenticate my LDS tools access with my thumbprint.

It would also be so much more convenient as well. It would eliminate numerous calls to Bishops and Stake Presidents. I've worked at a temple recommend desk and calling Bishops by the temple clerks wastes a lot of time verifying patrons that forget their paper recommend. Patrons could also be asked to immediately turn off their phones after proceeding past the recommend desk.

At some point the church will have to get with the times and make the recommend process more secure and convenient.

Re: Temple Recommend - digital device scanning at temple?

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 12:38 pm
by lajackson
bradcreer wrote:The current paper temple recommend has zero security measures . . .
And it will not get you into the temple. That's why other security measures are used in conjunction with the actual recommend.
bradcreer wrote:. . . calling Bishops by the temple clerks wastes a lot of time . . .
Which is probably one of the reasons it is no longer done.

Oh, you might be surprised how things have changed.

Re: Temple Recommend - digital device scanning at temple?

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:51 pm
by misspookie
The phones can be made silent before entering the temple. That should remedy anyone setting their phones after scanning at reception. I don’t turn mine off, I just silence it and leave in my locker.

Re: Temple Recommend - digital device scanning at temple?

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:13 pm
by kd7mha
An important thing to consider is that if an alert is sent; phones silent or not will make the alert noise and disrupt the meeting.

Re: Temple Recommend - digital device scanning at temple?

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 7:32 pm
by jdlessley
My Android pone has a 'Do Not Disturb' feature. This mode can mute sound, stop vibration, and block visual disturbances. You can pick what you block and what you allow. Alarms, media sound, touch sounds, calendar events, and reminders can all be silenced. Alerts fall under Alarms. This feature is available on Android 9 and up.

Re: Temple Recommend - digital device scanning at temple?

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 7:40 pm
by russellhltn
I believe what kd7mha is referring to is the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). Typically for weather warnings or Amber Alerts.

It normally overrides typical silence settings. While it may be possible to turn that off, it's too faddily for most to get it right every time.

I'd suggest airplane mode and making sure WiFi is off. It can't alert on what it can't receive.