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Re: Stake Information and Boundaries?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:48 am
by russellhltn
mevans wrote:Different stakes do different things.
That's true. While I'd guess that most youth stake activities center on the stake center, that's not always universal. There can be other factors that drive activities to other buildings.

Re: Stake Information and Boundaries?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:28 pm
by lajackson
mevans wrote:\You could also have one of your ward clerks look in CDOL. I think you can see where stake centers are there.
Yes, quite easily.

Re: Stake Information and Boundaries?

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:34 am
by j2jensen
I'd love to see these features easily discoverable, but here's a little hack you can use (as of January 2022) to see stake boundaries and the stake center in the newer (not classic) web app:

When you've found the meetinghouse for your ward, note the numeric IDs that follow your ward and stake names (separated by a hyphen). Now look at the URL in the browser's location bar: there's a part near the end that says "&ward:{id}" where {id} is the same number you see after your ward name. Change this part to read "&stake:{id}" where {id} is the number following your stake name. Then hit the Enter key.

You'll now see your stake's boundaries and the name and number of the stake president, and the address of the stake center.