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Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:32 pm
by Mikerowaved
GarysTurn wrote:Did I get it wrong, I wrote down:
You wrote it correctly, it was not given correctly. The correct URL is...

BTW, I really enjoyed the conference. Many thinks to those who made it possible. Dual monitors was helpful with the video on one screen and the hi-res screen shots on the other.

I had no problems with the audio/video streaming through Windows Media Player 11, Firefox, and Vista.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:36 pm
by lajackson
Mikerowaved wrote:I had no problems with the audio/video streaming through Windows Media Player 11, Firefox, and Vista.
I probably should have done something when I tried the link earlier and could not keep up with the BYU-TV feed they were showing. I can get the BYU feed just fine through their system, but was never able to get it to work well through Windows Media Player (Firefox and WinXP, in my case).

It would have been acceptable, but I suspect there was an extra load for a while this evening. [grin]

Reaction to Tech Talk

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:59 pm
by KathrynGZ
Joel Dehlin and Church IT deserve a LOT of credit for hosting these tech talks! I'm very grateful to everyone who contributed. I love how they're making it possible for members across the globe to get involved and contribute their talents.

I also loved the hymn choice while waiting for the meeting to start (for those who didn't get audio, it was "The World Has Need of Willing Men.") I laughed out loud, literally, when it started to play :)

In case it's helpful, I did want to mention some things which I thought worked better at the live tech talk in the Bay Area some months back. I realize an online meeting will never be quite the same as an in-person one. But tonight's seemed a little rushed--I was very surprised when it ended after only 40 minutes. I would have enjoyed more detail in Joel's presentation, presentations from others, and more time for questions at the end.

Again, kudos to everyone involved! It was a great first online tech talk, and I look forward to attending future meetings and seeing how they evolve.


LDSAccount Questions

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:07 pm
by KathrynGZ
When LDSAccount was mentioned in the tech talk tonight, I went to to see if my credentials would be accepted. They weren't, which didn't surprise me too much, so I started to create a new account. But when I tried to create the account using my credentials, it said my user name (Kathryn) was already being used. Obviously someone else may be using this name... but it raised the question in my mind: If I already had an LDSAccount but didn't realize it, would the system have told me so when it identified me from my membership information? Or is it possible to create duplicate accounts?

Also, should my logon have worked? I didn't think to try that until I had created a new account with a different user name than Kathryn.



Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:12 pm
by lajackson
Kathryn wrote:If I already had an LDSAccount but didn't realize it, would the system have told me so when it identified me from my membership information?
Yes. When I read about the link in this thread, I went there, entered my membership number and confirmation date, and was informed that I already had a login. Clicking Continue (or whatever it was) took me to all of the login information I have used for other accounts (LUWS, recentry, COL, TES, etc.).

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:30 pm
by mkmurray
lajackson wrote:Yes. When I read about the link in this thread, I went there, entered my membership number and confirmation date, and was informed that I already had a login. Clicking Continue (or whatever it was) took me to all of the login information I have used for other accounts (LUWS, recentry, COL, TES, etc.).
I'm not sure if I whole-heartedly agree...

The LDS Account login is not in any way tied to the login here on the Forums. It is a login only to the vBulletin software hosting this site. I don't think the intention is to narrow the scope of these forums to only members of the Church with record numbers and confirmation dates (and who know how to get those data items). My understanding is that these forums are open to the public at large and currently we don't want to be too restrictive or difficult for someone to join the community and participate in technology discussions involving the Church. Anyway, that's the Forums...

As far as LUWS or other logins, I was able to create the same username that I have on LUWS and on these forum without any indication that it was already taken or that I already owned it. It looked in the Membership records located at Church HQ and had me verify my full name and birthdate before continuing. Then it auto-populated my name on the next registration forms, which included full name, preferred name, and email address. Then I agree to some legal stuff. Then I verified all the info again and it sent me an email to click an activation link. To me, the whole process looked like a completely separate registration from any other current Church system. But I must clarify that I don't have any other Church profile nor login besides here on the Forums and LUWS.

So I can't say anything for CDOL or CES, since I don't have a login...Although I did notice that the things you could do with LDS Account included an Art Competition, (which by the way isn't resolving for me), and accessing CES. Perhaps the CES login is what did it for you, lajackson...?

Congratulations to Brad O.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:33 pm
by RossEvans
The well-earned award to Brad O. for creating Return and Report must be noted here. Especially given the long history of that project, I find a particular symbol therein about the Church being open to ideas from this community.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:35 pm
by mkmurray
boomerbubba wrote:The well-earned award to Brad O. for creating Return and Report must be noted here. Especially given the long history of that project, I find a particular symbol therein about the Church being open to ideas from this community.
I must echo this as well! Congrats Brad! And thank you for your hard work and persistence that have gotten all of us this far. We will try to carry the work forward from here as a community partnering with Church developers.

I say that because I know your life just recently got pretty busy! ;) Good luck with that and try to give us some of your input and feedback on the Wiki when you get a chance here and there.

Again, congrats!

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:39 pm
by mkmurray
mkmurray wrote:I can access the SVN but it is because I helped work on an earlier project that this website tried to get going (The Ask A Question Workflow project). You have to agree to the Contributor's License. It looks like you can get to it at
Go here for even more detail:

Also, there is this note on the Wiki that should answer Kathryn and lajackson's questions about LDS Account and any relation to your current LUWS login:
Note: Having an LDS Account is not the same as having a login to the Local Unit Web Sites.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:53 pm
by russellhltn
mkmurray wrote:Then like 10 minutes later, it started redirecting like that. I wonder if this individual decided to claim it on behalf of the Church... :)
Quite possible. It was created today.