URL for TFOT doesn't work

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Post by lisaan »

Thanks for your input. We did deploy a new build that had this fix in it. Glad to hear it's working.
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Post by kisaac »

LisaAn wrote:Thanks for your input. We did deploy a new build that had this fix in it. Glad to hear it's working.
And this URL link ability adds so much functionality to the application for TFOT and for the presidency lessons...it was a big problem not to have it before...thank you.
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Post by jhowell2000 »

Cannot enter URL's for TFOT lessons this morning. When I click save I get the following message
"This web page is being redirected to a new location. Would you like to resend the form data you have typed to the new location?"

if I click okay I get

"Service error detected The session may have timed out."

I am then kicked back to the log in screen and when I enter my user name/password I get the eternal spinner.
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Post by mevans »

jhowell2000 wrote:Cannot enter URL's for TFOT lessons this morning. When I click save I get the following message
"This web page is being redirected to a new location. Would you like to resend the form data you have typed to the new location?"

if I click okay I get

"Service error detected The session may have timed out."

Can you reproduce this? The Service Error Detected message is something we're trying to figure out.

Please post any information or observations about your experience on the thread about the service error detected problem.
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Post by jdlessley »

jhowell2000 wrote:Cannot enter URL's for TFOT lessons this morning.
My previous URL works and I just added another. That one works fine also. I am not seeing the problem.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the ChurchofJesusChrist.org Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Problem continues - may should post this message in service error deteted thread


Post by jhowell2000 »

I am not sure if I should be posting here or in the service error thread. I have successfully entered the url for the first four months of 2013, but it took multiple attempts. I could not seem to enter more than one URL in a session. I would enter one for the month of January, then attempt to enter another for the month of February and the service error message would come up. If I closed my window and then relogged in I could then enter the URL for February. Then if I tried to do March, the same thing would happen. Don't know what the difference is. I entered them in different orders for different classes (high priests, rs, elders quorum) and still had the same problem.

All URLs I have entered now appear to be working correctly.

Using a Mac running 10.7.5 and Firefox 17
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Post by lisaan »

jhowell2000 wrote:I am not sure if I should be posting here or in the service error thread. I have successfully entered the url for the first four months of 2013, but it took multiple attempts. I could not seem to enter more than one URL in a session. I would enter one for the month of January, then attempt to enter another for the month of February and the service error message would come up. If I closed my window and then relogged in I could then enter the URL for February. Then if I tried to do March, the same thing would happen. Don't know what the difference is. I entered them in different orders for different classes (high priests, rs, elders quorum) and still had the same problem.

All URLs I have entered now appear to be working correctly.

Using a Mac running 10.7.5 and Firefox 17

That's the service error problem and we're aware of it and we're looking into it. Thanks.
QA Engineer
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