How do I add meetinghouse location, ward boundaries, member locations for Guam Stake?

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How do I add meetinghouse location, ward boundaries, member locations for Guam Stake?


Post by jerryjex »

I am a full-time Sr Missionary Guam USA in the Micronesia Guam mission. i.e. my records reside in another Stake/Ward.

My wife and I are working with the Guam Stake and Dededo, Barragada, Yigo, and Talisay Ward leaders to generate KMZ files with member locations. How can I upload this information to the Beta Maps Release? How do I contact and what are the procedures?

Our Guam Island KMZ file information contains:
Ward boundaries
Meetinghouse Locations
Member locations (100% to 60% depending upon ward)

Currently the only Micronesia Mission information on the Beta Map Release is:
Pohnpei District Boundary
Yap District Boundary
Palau Koror Branch Meetinghouse
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Post by aebrown »

jerryjex wrote:I am a full-time Sr Missionary Guam USA in the Micronesia Guam mission. i.e. my records reside in another Stake/Ward.

My wife and I are working with the Guam Stake and Dededo, Barragada, Yigo, and Talisay Ward leaders to generate KMZ files with member locations. How can I upload this information to the Beta Maps Release? How do I contact and what are the procedures?

Our Guam Island KMZ file information contains:
Ward boundaries
Meetinghouse Locations
Member locations (100% to 60% depending upon ward)

Currently the only Micronesia Mission information on the Beta Map Release is:
Pohnpei District Boundary
Yap District Boundary
Palau Koror Branch Meetinghouse
There is no way to upload bulk information to LDS Maps -- the information needs to flow in a different way.

First of all, the ward boundaries and meetinghouse locations are already in Church databases. The ward and stake leaders will have access to maps on CDOL of all these boundaries. Those boundaries on CDOL can be downloaded in KMZ format. I don't know where your KMZ files came from; perhaps they initially came from CDOL. But in any case, the Church knows what the boundaries are; if they are incorrect in any way, there is a procedure for local leaders to report the needed corrections.

Those same boundaries should be displayed in the current application, as well as the beta maps application, and will be visible to all ward and stake members.

Second, the position of members homes is specified using LDS Maps. A bishopric member or clerk needs to follow the instructions to Move households to the correct location.
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Post by jerryjex »

Thanks for the information. Appreciate the clarification on ward boundaries and meetinghouse locations.

Member locations is still a concern. I have been made an out-of-unit Ward Membership Clerk in order to help the Ward position the member homes. I still don't see any households on the map. What else is needed in order to access and move the Ward's households on the map? Is the Out-Of-Unit record only on the local computer or is it in SLC?
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Post by russellhltn »

jerryjex wrote:I have been made an out-of-unit Ward Membership Clerk in order to help the Ward position the member homes. I still don't see any households on the map.

How long ago? It can take a day or so before everything syncs up and you receive your new rights.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Post by jerryjex »

It has been over 1 week now so I think the sync should have happened.

I did NOT include my home ward and stake # but did include baptism and priesthood ordination required to be added to as a clerk. Seems that there is something else needed so that the out-of-unit information is fed to SL so that it can take effect on other than just the local clerk computer.
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Post by jdlessley »

jerryjex wrote:It has been over 1 week now so I think the sync should have happened.

I did NOT include my home ward and stake # but did include baptism and priesthood ordination required to be added to as a clerk. Seems that there is something else needed so that the out-of-unit information is fed to SL so that it can take effect on other than just the local clerk computer.
Did you create an out of unit member record following the procedures here? The most important piece of information is your MRN and priesthood ordinance information. Then once the record was created and sent to CHQ were you added as a clerk using a standard position in MLS?

From what I can see in CDOL you are not listed as a clerk.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Post by jonesrk »

jdlessley wrote:From what I can see in CDOL you are not listed as a clerk.
No, he is listed as a Ward Assistant Clerk--Membership correctly. Since that doesn't show on the organization summary page you wouldn't be able to see that.
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Post by jonesrk »

jerryjex wrote:It has been over 1 week now so I think the sync should have happened.

I did NOT include my home ward and stake # but did include baptism and priesthood ordination required to be added to as a clerk. Seems that there is something else needed so that the out-of-unit information is fed to SL so that it can take effect on other than just the local clerk computer.
One thing you can try it to look at your lds headers and look at the policy-ldspositions row. You should see a p787/7u<yourUnitNumber> somewhere in that list. If it is there then your postion has made it all the way through to the authorization system.
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