Please keep the following in mind when working with the beta Newsletter and when posting on this forum:
- When submitting a post to report a bug or issue, please include as much detail as possible. Please ensure that it will be easy to understand and reproduce if possible by our development team. See below for complete instructions on how to report a bug or issue.
- Please be patient and kind. Remember we are a small team with limited resources, trying to build a tool that meets the needs of many different unit types across the world.
Because we want to address the issues you find as quickly and thoroughly as possible, we ask that you keep your posts on this forum as clear and simple as possible. Feel free to use this beta test forum for reporting broken functionality, or design issues in the Newsletter that will hamper your unit's use of the application.
If you find an issue in the application, following these instructions and being patient and helpful will greatly increase the chances of that issue being addressed by the development team.
- Use a separate thread to report each issue you find.
- Provide a clear, easy to follow list of steps to reproduce the issue you are reporting.
- Provide as much additional detail as possible (e.g. your calling and/or role within the application, your browser type and version, etc.)
- Be clear as to whether the problem happens every time, once in a while, only a single instance, etc.
- If you are familiar with web development and comfortable using a tool like firebug, provide as much additional technical information as you can discover.
- If your issue seems to be a display issue, or other issue on the client side, you may want to try your issue in another browser to determine if it is browser specific or not.
- Be prepared to respond to additional questions on the forum to help us investigate the problem.
As you share information on the forum, be VERY careful not to inadvertently share private information about other members of your local unit(s), such as names, membership numbers, or contact information. If you paste data from the application into a forum post, make sure it does not contain any of this private information before clicking the submit button.
Finally, thank you so much for your help in making this a successful, useful application.
Instructions on Giving Feedback
The Newsletter application will eventually appear alongside Calendar, Directory, and Maps
- Church Employee
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:13 am
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
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