Tithing Settlement with Electronic Payment?

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Tithing Settlement with Electronic Payment?


Post by chrissv »


In March I signed up to pay my tithing electronically (see this post). I've been very happy with the convenience.

My question is: what are the logistics of Tithing Settlement? Today I got the end of year report from my local unit, showing my tithing being paid until March (during that time I would give checks to the Bishop).

Will I receive a report from the Church documenting my electronic payments?
Does my local unit receive anything from Salt Lake re: my electronic payments?
I also assume I'll receive a year-end report after the 1st of the year for tax purposes.

I'd like to know what to expect as I go into the Tithing Settlement interview.

Thanks - Steven
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Post by russellhltn »

As I understand it, tithing settlement is in two parts: A way to reconcile what you've donated against the church's records, and for you to declare your tithing status.

It appears you've already done the former with respect to the ward.

As for the latter, the last I remember, is your status is whatever you declare. There is no need for you to prove anything to the bishop (although an explanation is a reasonable courtesy). I don't know what paperwork you'll receive, but if I'm correct, there is no need for paperwork to go for your tithing settlement interview.

Hope that helps.
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Post by mkmurray »

First, I'll say that in my opinion this is more of a policy or procedural question than it is a technical one. But I'll continue with what I remember from the previous thread(s) to see if I can be of some help...
chrissv wrote:Will I receive a report from the Church documenting my electronic payments?
Does my local unit receive anything from Salt Lake re: my electronic payments?
I also assume I'll receive a year-end report after the 1st of the year for tax purposes.
If I remember correctly from the thread you mentioned (although, I think I also remember a second thread dealing with the same subject; so it could be from there), I thought someone who had paid tithing electronically before mentioned that the local unit does not get their own record from Salt Lake of your electronic payments, but that Salt Lake does send you some kind of paperwork for your records.

Of course this is all just off of my memory, perhaps do some more in-depth searching of the thread (or see if there is indeed a second one as well)...

Good luck.
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Post by thedqs »

I believe the church has to send you the paperwork in case you want to take it as a charitable deduction from your taxes. As when that paper comes I do not know.
- David
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Post by childsdj »

I pay elecronically as well. The information never gets back down to the local unit yet. This is still a pilot program as I understand it. The hope is that sometime in the future we will all be able to pay this way. I receive a statement from Church headquarters usually in October and then in January or February showing my year to date contributions for tax purposes. My bishop was curious when I declared last year even though I showed as paying no tithing at the lcoal level, but he had no problem with it.
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Post by russellhltn »

thedqs wrote:I believe the church has to send you the paperwork in case you want to take it as a charitable deduction from your taxes. As when that paper comes I do not know.
If I remember right, to comply with US tax law they must distribute the year end contributions by end of January. Because it's for the year, it won't arrive until January.
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Post by thedqs »

I also agree that it will be nice when we can kick the checkbook good-bye for good. As it is I still have 75 or so checks from when I initially opened my original checking account some 8-10 years ago.
- David
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