How to collaborate with distant relatives?

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How to collaborate with distant relatives?


Post by mjoner »

I would suspect this isn't the first time this question has come up but I'm having a hard time finding this information. I am a ward clerk who has been asked by a member to look into this question. Simply, the member has identified distant relatives (common ancestors at least four generations back) who are users on New FamilySearch and have submitted names for temple work. There was an e-mail address listed with one of these submitters and the member has successfully contacted that person. However, there are three or four other submitters who don't have an e-mail provided or in the case of one of the members has an e-mail listed that is no longer valid.

It looks like the work is being done in Guadalajara - perhaps it is not common or typical for members there to have regular access to e-mail - which may make the e-mail contact option in FamilySearch less-than-useful for establishing certain international collaborations.

The member in my ward would like to establish contact. Is there any way to contact members based on their FamilySearch user profiles when the members don't have any contact information listed? The member has suggested that if it isn't possible to reach the member directly (to protect their membership and contact information) that perhaps we could contact their clerk or Bishop to see if they would be open to being contacted. From my point of view, such steps would be unorthodox but I do see it as a possibility. What should I tell this member about contacting those who have not provided contact information in FamilySearch?

Brother Joner
Little Miami Ward / Cincinnati Ohio East Stake
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Post by russellhltn »

This is a question that would have a better chance of receiving an answer if posted over at HTTP://
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Post by KenRichins »

Short answer is IF FamilySearch COULD identify the contibutor then they would, BUT they can't unless the person puts that contact information in their profile and then allows the contact information to be published. World Wide Privacy laws seem to prevent the church from identifying those who contribut to FamilySearch WITHOUT loosing the privledge of gaining access to many valuable records , So IF patron does not allow their e-mail or other contact information to show the Churrch will not identify that individual. ALSO, of not the last update to newFamilySearch reset all contact info to e-mail only as stated on the sign on page, and ask patrons to goto their profile and allow additional contact information to be published. Patrons are further encouraged to keep their contact information in the profile current, But we can not force them to do so. Anyother course would be contrary to church teachings.
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