Nested quotes on LDSTech forum

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Nested quotes on LDSTech forum


Post by aebrown »

Occasionally I get questions regarding how to nest quotes on this LDSTech forum. This thread will explain how to do that.
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Post by larq »

Alan_Brown wrote:Occasionally I get questions regarding how to nest quotes on this LDSTech forum. This thread will explain how to do that.
That would be great! How's it done?
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Post by aebrown »

Alan_Brown wrote:Occasionally I get questions regarding how to nest quotes on this LDSTech forum. This thread will explain how to do that.
abrown wrote:That would be great! How's it done?
In this example, the second post is the one I want to quote, but it already contains a quote. If I simply use the Quote button on the second post, all that will be quoted is "That would be great! How's it done?" -- but that doesn't give the context of the reply. So what you really want is the result you see at the top of this post. Here's how you can do it:
  1. For the first post, click the Multi-Quote button (
    MultiQuoteOff.png (535 Bytes) Viewed 31730 times
    ). The button will change to have a check mark (
    MultiQuoteOn.png (961 Bytes) Viewed 31730 times
    ) to indicate that the post is selected.
  2. For the second post, click the Reply With Quote button (
    ReplyWithQuote.png (1.48 KiB) Viewed 31722 times
  3. You will now be in the regular window for creating a post. That window will contain the quoted content of the first post (because it was selected with its Multi-Quote button) and the quoted content of the second post (because you clicked its Quote button).
  4. Select the first quote in its entirety (with its beginning and ending quote tags) and cut it by pressing Ctrl+X (or whatever the equivalent is on your computer).
  5. Move to just after the begin quote tag of the second quote and paste the first quote inside the second quote (by pressing Ctrl+V or equivalent).
  6. If either of the quotes is long, edit the quoted material as needed to make it brief but relevant.
  7. Move after the quote and compose your reply.
  8. When you're done (using Preview Post to make sure it looks right), press Submit Reply to submit your post.
  9. Remember to go back to the first post and turn off its Multi-Quote (otherwise you'll keep including that post in subsequent quotes you do).
Note that you can extend this technique by selecting multiple quotes in the first step if you'd like. Also, instead of using Multi-Quote, an alternate method for copying the first quote is simply to push the first post's Quote button, copy the whole quoted post to the clipboard, then abandon that quote by navigating away from it.
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Post by jeromer7 »

Thanks for taking the time to share the step-by-step.
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Post by waynecooke »

Yes thank you very much. I was just about to ask the same question.:eek:
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