I totally agree, and can foresee other situations where an "admin" might not need to be called into a bishopric as a clerk. In LUWS, you can specify any admin as the ward see's fit, but the new beta.lds.org tools with admin functions seem tied to specific leadership callings, and I'm not sure if they can be "re-assigned." I brought up the question already...what if your clerks aren't prepared to take on these tasks?nutterb wrote: I would almost beg not to have the IT specialist or website administrator listed as an assistant ward clerk. My reasoning is that assistant clerks are supposed to be priesthood holders, but there are tasks that fall under the clerk's direction that may at times be better handled by a sister in the ward (for example, the historian may work with the clerk to prepare the historian, but since this is not an assistant clerk, may be a woman).
I would just rather not to get boxed into a gender requirement that didn't need to exist if we could avoid it.
Anyone know?