zaneclark wrote:After reading the posts regarding the missing positions at the stake level, I checked our ward leadership and found many positions missing, seemingly very arbitrary. For example there is only one counselor listed for the RS and none for the SS where there are only 2 teachers listed out of a dozen or so. I am again hoping that all this is due to the beta nature of the application and that all will be well when it is fully introduced.
As RussellHltn said, the first step is to look in CDOL. There are several possibilities:
- These callings are in CDOL as standard callings (black print). If this is the case, then there is a problem with the beta directory and its connection to CDOL. I think this is unlikely, but if it happens, use the Feedback on to report this.
- These callings are in CDOL as custom callings (orange print). If this is the case, you need to go to MLS and fix the callings to be standard callings.
- These callings are not in CDOL. You need to call Local Unit Support and request that they set a flag for MLS to send its calling information to CDOL.
That last scenario happened in one of the wards of our stake. Hardly any of their callings were in CDOL, even though they were definitely entered correctly in MLS. Local Unit Support set the flag, we did a Send/Receive, and in about an hour we saw that CDOL had been updated, and the next time we looked in the beta directory, it was correct as well.
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