Beta: Ward Leadership Directory

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Beta: Ward Leadership Directory


Post by jsnauvoo »

One thing that I see is the relation to MLS and the beta as far the communication of callings. That will be a great improvement.

What is happening for the Relief Society callings for the Presidency? My ward MLS has a "First Counselor" calling, and an Education Counselor. The 1st Counselor carries to Beta, but the Education Counselor does not.

I though in a recent release of MLS that there was a calling standarization. What do we need to do at the ward level to correct the calling titles in the RS for it stand correct in and Beta Ward Leadership directory.

Thanks for your help!

Jared :)
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Post by jonesrk »

jsnauvoo wrote: What is happening for the Relief Society callings for the Presidency? My ward MLS has a "First Counselor" calling, and an Education Counselor. The 1st Counselor carries to Beta, but the Education Counselor does not.
I would check the Education Counselor to see if it is a Custom position. The current correct name for the standard calling is First Counselor.
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Post by russellhltn »

The easiest way to do it, from the MLS toolbar:

Organizations > Reports/Tools > Custom Positions Review

It will find all the custom positions in your ward and help you identify a corresponding standardized position.

Standardized positions carry over to the new websites. Custom positions do not.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Where is the data coming from?


Post by zaneclark »

Where is the data coming from for the beta leadership? I have changed some positions in both MLS and on the current LUWS, and some show in beta and some don't. And, yes, these are standard positions. I have a major project right now tryng to change years of using custom positions.
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Post by aebrown »

zaneclark wrote:Where is the data coming from for the beta leadership? I have changed some positions in both MLS and on the current LUWS, and some show in beta and some don't. And, yes, these are standard positions. I have a major project right now tryng to change years of using custom positions.
The direct answer is that the data for the beta Leadership Directory comes from CDOL. You should be able to look in CDOL and it should match the beta Leadership Directory. If you see inconsistencies, then it would be a problem with the beta, but in my experience, they match exactly.

Of course, the fact is that the vast majority of the calling information in CDOL comes from MLS. But there are delays, and have been some cases where data doesn't transmit properly from MLS to CDOL. If you see inconsistencies between MLS and CDOL, then it could be a problem with your MLS data (make sure you are using the right standard callings), the MLS software, or CDOL, or just an expected processing delay.
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Post by eblood66 »

Alan_Brown wrote:The direct answer is that the data for the beta Leadership Directory comes from CDOL. You should be able to look in CDOL and it should match the beta Leadership Directory. If you see inconsistencies, then it would be a problem with the beta, but in my experience, they match exactly.
One thing to note though. The beta uses a specific list of positions to display. It does not display everything in CDOL. For the most part it includes the leadership positions for each organizations as well as the many of the most common positions (like instructuors) but not everything is included.

One notable exception is that the ward website administrator is not listed. In fact the Other Callings section only has 4 positions that can display in the beta but CDOL has many more (my ward has about 30 people in callings under Other Callings in CDOL but only 2 show up in the beta).

I'm not sure if the intent is for all of them to be included but the code most definitely includes an enumerated list and those are the only ones displayed.
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March Ensign brings answers


Post by jsnauvoo »

I got my church magazines on Friday afternoon. When I got home from work I breezed through the Ensign and found an article on the Relief Society that talked about the changes in regards to Relief Society meetings. It also talks about the return to the titles of 1st and 2nd Counselors.

Thanks for your help in regards to MLS and CDOL! :D
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conform your callings to the new standardization


Post by kisaac »

jsnauvoo wrote:I though in a recent release of MLS that there was a calling standarization.
"Calling standardization" as used here is really not intended to explain anything to your ward council members or bishopric...and if I can poke a little fun at the process...

Sunday morning, 7:30AM, bishops office:
"We've "standardized" our teachers. A teacher is a teacher, except in Sunday School where he/she is an instructor, or Primary, where he/she is a worker, while our army of adviser's are still working (instructing? teaching?) in the YM and YW. Elders, you don't get a standardized teacher. Any questions?"
jsnauvoo wrote:I breezed through the Ensign and found an article on the Relief Society that talked about the changes in regards to Relief Society meetings. It also talks about the return to the titles of 1st and 2nd Counselors.
So, "conform" your RS callings to the new "standard," which at one time was the old standard before it was replaced, and you are set.

At ward council, tell the RS and bishopric: "By conforming the names of your callings to those supported by church HQ, these callings will appear in many cool, new places, making many ward jobs easier." ;)

Hey-we all want that!
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Post by zaneclark »

kisaac wrote:"Calling standardization" as used here is really not intended to explain anything to your ward council members or bishopric...and if I can poke a little fun at the process...

Sunday morning, 7:30AM, bishops office:
"We've "standardized" our teachers. A teacher is a teacher, except in Sunday School where he/she is an instructor, or Primary, where he/she is a worker, while our army of adviser's are still working (instructing? teaching?) in the YM and YW. Elders, you don't get a standardized teacher. Any questions?"

Thank you for posting this..... Since my quest to make as many positions as possible conform to the standard names, this is the one that has bothered me the most....I'm sure that, as in all things from SL, there is a reason behind this but I can't see it yet...Image
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Post by lajackson »

kisaac wrote:...and if I can poke a little fun at the process...

Sunday morning, 7:30AM, bishops office:
"We've "standardized" our teachers. A teacher is a teacher, except in Sunday School where he/she is an instructor, or Primary, where he/she is a worker, while our army of adviser's are still working (instructing? teaching?) in the YM and YW. Elders, you don't get a standardized teacher. Any questions?"
Someone once said it takes ten years to notice the change, and twenty to see a new course correction. Fun, eh?

Great paragraph. Thanks.
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