jsnauvoo wrote:I though in a recent release of MLS that there was a calling standarization.
"Calling standardization" as used here is really not intended to explain anything to your ward council members or bishopric...and if I can poke a little fun at the process...
Sunday morning, 7:30AM, bishops office:
"We've "standardized" our teachers. A
teacher is a
teacher, except in Sunday School where he/she is an
instructor, or Primary, where he/she is a
worker, while our army of
adviser's are still
working (instructing? teaching?) in the YM and YW. Elders, you don't get a standardized teacher. Any questions?"
jsnauvoo wrote:I breezed through the Ensign and found an article on the Relief Society that talked about the changes in regards to Relief Society meetings. It also talks about the return to the titles of 1st and 2nd Counselors.
So, "conform" your RS callings to the new "standard," which at one time was the old standard before it was replaced, and you are set.
At ward council, tell the RS and bishopric: "By conforming the names of your callings to those supported by church HQ, these callings will appear in many cool, new places, making many ward jobs easier."
Hey-we all want that!