dobrichelovek wrote:Calendar:
I have not seen it explicitly stated, but since I am a ward website administrator, and I do not have admin rights on the beta calendar site, I would guess that the automatic admin rights only apply when such a calling is designated in MLS and the LUWS admin designation doesn't apply here, is that accurate? If it's not, then I am confused as to why I don't have access.
One of the great things about the new calendar system is that the source code is available to the community. Looking at the source code it indicates that the following positions get default approver rights (this is for a ward--it's similar for the stake):
- Bishopric
- Ward Clerk and all assistant clerks
- Executive Secretary
- Website Administrator
To get the right you have to be listed in CDOL with one of these positions. To be listed in CDOL you have to have the position listed in your ward's MLS using the correct standarized calling. If you are website administrator and you don't have approver rights then you probably aren't listed with the calling in MLS or you're listed using a non-standard calling.
dobrichelovek wrote:
I don't really get anything in the beta directory site at all besides seeing that there are three columns, a search bar, and a print button. Basically no data. I would assume that beta would suggest that I should be getting at least some basic data at this time. I am guessing that this needs to be reported, but I wanted to check here first. Since I wasn't given access during the labs trial, I am wondering if there is still a restriction to certain units in place that needs to be lifted.
I'd report it. I expect it's some other problem but if there are restrictions it should probably tell you that rather than just showing no data. I never asked for access to the labs site but I have full access to the beta so I don't think it's related to labs access.