CDOL feedback request

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CDOL feedback request


Post by jonesrk »

I am looking for ways to solicit feedback from the ecclesiastical users of CDOL. I would like feedback on the following areas:
  1. What things do you like about CDOL?
  2. What things work well?
  3. What things get in your way?
  4. What things are frustrating when working in CDOL?
  5. What things are difficult?
  6. What features do you use most?
  7. What features are the most helpful?
  8. What features would you like to see added the most?
Please also include your callings that give you access to CDOL and your computer savvy level (minimal experience, average, power user)

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Post by mprusse »

I would be ecstatic if I could use Safari again to access CDOL. It still comes up with errors on startup.

I am constantly needing email addresses of other bishops. Unfortunately, I believe very few bishops are even aware of CDOL or that they can update their own record to include an email address, additional phone numbers, etc. Most of the time the email address is not included with a leaders record. All leaders need to be better informed and trained on how to better use this tool.

Now that additional leaders other than bishops, stake presidents, etc. have access, what is being done to let others know to log in and check their listing?

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Post by russellhltn »

macsense wrote:I would be ecstatic if I could use Safari again to access CDOL. It still comes up with errors on startup.
The same issue is preventing me from accessing it via my smart phone. So that goes on the top of my usability list.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Post by MorettiDP »

  1. What things do you like about CDOL?
  2. What things work well?
  3. What things get in your way?
  4. What things are frustrating when working in CDOL?
  5. What things are difficult?
  6. What features do you use most?
  7. What features are the most helpful?
  8. What features would you like to see added the most?
1 - I love the ability to see historical data, like past leaders and creation and move dates. With the CDOL informations our stake discovered that next year we will have the 50th anniversary of the Church presence here in São Carlos, and we can plan a jubilee for it. I like too the new PDF maps, and the ability we have toi change our own records.

2 - The best feature is, of course, can find leaders and employees, units and organizations in around the world. Do well to the reports feature to see wards, branches, stakes, districts and temples in geographic areas, with an idea of Church's expansion in around the world and each countries.

3 - We can't change correctly the data of Church units in our responsability (see above, item 4). We can't too request changes for units outside our responsability but with our participation, like CES Seminaries and Institutes offices that now show the coordinator office and not the correct class address.

4 - I have some problem with the MLS-CDOL conection features. In MLS we can see but can't change informations like stake language, currency and address, for exemple, and we can't do that too in CDOL. I desire a way we can change these types of information in MLS or in CDOL to correct wrong information. Our stake unit address, for exemple, is still the address of a rented office building we have had in the past before world financial crisis. Now, our offices are in some meetinghouses, and we can't change with success this informations by MLS. The same is for historical calling positions. For exemple, I never served as Stake Executive Secretary, but I'm with this call in MLS and can't change it. Our last Stk Exec Sec are released but we add the call of the other brother only days before. The date of the release of the old secretary aren't the date of call of the new, but I can't change it, and CDOL only show the data where the new secretary is called because is the date we put the informations on MLS.

To me, if the Stake President have the ability to change the information with a review of the changes like is doing the system when we change our own personal information, it will be more correctly and more easy to manage the data.

5 - Try to do some type of searchs is a problem. The system don't give a correct result with special units and offices. I can understand the system have different access levels and different types of people can see different types of information, but I hope search features be better in future.

6 - Of course informations about the units and leaders in my Area and the offices and employees at Area Offices departments.

7 - To me, the historical data. I love this feature and find some interesting information there.

8 - An integration between the new Maps software ( and CDOL and the ability to the organization direct leader (bishop and stake president) change the informations of the Church unit under his direct responsability (wards too for a stake), including lost historical data and historical calling positions with error, and the ability to request changes to units related but without our direct responsability (like CES units, for exemple).

My call is Stake Technology Specialist (Stake Assistant Clerk) and I have an advanced computer experience). I use CDOL since I'm a ward clerk.

I hope my English don't create a problem for your understanding and thanks for the opportunity!!!
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Post by jonesrk »

macsense wrote:I would be ecstatic if I could use Safari again to access CDOL. It still comes up with errors on startup.
This has been fixed and is in the next release (coming soon - within a few weeks I hope).
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Post by nmecantwin73 »

I haven't used the online CDOL very much, as my calling (bishopric counselor) doesn't necessitate that I do. However, I have used it a number of times for my bishop, as needed. I consider myself an above average computer user.

When logging in, it would be nice to see links to the Associated Organizations that I am associated with - similar to what shows under the Stake listing (welfare services, temple, mission, etc.). Even links to neighboring stakes could be helpful. This could help in quickly looking up a local unit or center. I don't know how much average time one might spend searching, but I think anything that would reduce the amount of time searching would be beneficial - though the search does seem to be quick.

I also wouldn't mind seeing something like what shows when I login to the beta maps program and click on the Home tab - it lists my name and my calling.

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Post by mtwerner »

Regarding links to associated organizations and neighboring stakes, that is already available. If you go to an organization's or person's listing, at the top of the page you will see a link that says "Add to My Personal Directory." Click on that and it will appear on your home page when you log in. You can find many associated organizations by going to your stake's listing and clicking on "Associated Organizations."
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Post by jonesrk »

mtwerner wrote:Regarding links to associated organizations and neighboring stakes, that is already available. If you go to an organization's or person's listing, at the top of the page you will see a link that says "Add to My Personal Directory." Click on that and it will appear on your home page when you log in. You can find many associated organizations by going to your stake's listing and clicking on "Associated Organizations."

That is a good point, but I can see the benefit, especially for first time users, of having some of the more common links available automatically.
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Post by jeromer7 »

ryan jones wrote:That is a good point, but I can see the benefit, especially for first time users, of having some of the more common links available automatically.
I agree. When the CDOL format changed a few months ago, it took me awhile to figure out how to search and set up my personal directory using the process explained by mtwerner above. I tried using the FAQ and Help, but they are oriented more for administrators and not very useful to me as a user.

Now that I have my stake and neighboring stakes set up in My Personal Directory most everything I’ve needed is just a few clicks away. Once in awhile I’m asked about a bishop or presidency member in a unit outside our local area, but mostly my use of CDOL revolves around the info from our local stakes.

Stake clerk, somewhere between “average” and “power user.”
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