Best approach for adding new printers to the meetinghouse network

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Best approach for adding new printers to the meetinghouse network


Post by brucew »

I see many questions on how to do this so here's a good approach we've worked out to set up networked printers, especially to allow printing from your phones and laptops etc. I'd love to hear other's experience too!

* Connect it to the network via WIFI (Liahona) or Ethernet as available. You do NOT need a static IP. Modern printers are easily found by ID by all of your devices.
(If the printer doesn't support wifi and you don't have a spare Ethernet port, a small inexpensive switch helps--not a router, just a switch.)
* If desired, add the device to the "No Splash" network policy if it connects via WIFI (done by the STS.) This allows for firmware updates but isn't strictly needed for local use on most printers.
* Change the printer's reported name to reflect the unit (Important). With several units sharing a building that helps people find and print to the right printer. (In my combined Stake/Mission office building there are 6+ printers!)

The trick to the naming is that you won't find it in the printer's PC software or even usually on the printer itself. You need to connect to it using your web browser--there you'll find ALL settings. You may need to change the name in more than one place to reflect the different printing protocols it supports.
To connect to it, get the printer IP address (from the printer screen or CNM).
Point your browser to it: "https://<IP>" (for example, something in the form of:
If it needs a password, look up the printer manual. Some use the serial number, some are on the printer's label and some have a set default password.

As for controlling who can print to a printer, I've never seen a good general-purpose solution for that. However it hasn't been a problem here and giving them names helps avoid people printing to the wrong printer.

Any other good tips?
Last edited by brucew on Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Best approach for adding new printers to the meetinghouse network


Post by russellhltn »

I'd position the printer so it's not convenient for someone to walk into the office and "grab and go" but someone will have a chance to know who is doing the printing and why.

In other words, not too close to the door.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Best approach for adding new printers to the meetinghouse network


Post by Mikerowaved »

Nice writeup.
brucew wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:23 pm...and some have a set default password.
If it's set to the default login credentials, these need to be changed and perhaps taped to the bottom of the printer. Some bored youth may do a network discovery scan and make some unhelpful changes to the printer's settings.
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