Printing Temple Recommends in Spanish

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Printing Temple Recommends in Spanish


Post by boldert »

I'm guessing that temple recommends are commonly issued around the world in languages other than English. I'm in a bishopric of a ward that accommodates both English and Spanish members. But I can't see if there's a way to print a recommend in a language other than English. I'm guessing it's a simple solution, but would appreciate some guidance.
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Re: Printing Temple Recommends in Spanish


Post by sbradshaw »

I don't have access to the temple recommend issuing tool to try, but many Church websites use a language code in their URL. If you see "lang=eng" in the URL at the top of the browser window, you can try changing it to "lang=spa" on the last screen before printing the recommend. That should switch the page to Spanish. It might also let you print in Spanish. To switch back to English, change "lang=spa" back to "lang=eng".
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Re: Printing Temple Recommends in Spanish


Post by BrianEdwards »

And if that does not work, it may be that the Church's system utilizes the default unit language when creating certificates and such. This seems like something I looked into when I had LCR access and was in a multi-language unit, but I can't remember what was found :roll:
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