A few bugs in the LDS Scripture web study app

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A few bugs in the LDS Scripture web study app


Post by prk0ur »

Just going to list these numerically, the 1st bug I'm going to explain why I didn't use the "Feedback" button that's available to give this stuff.

1. Once you use the feedback button once, I am met with this issue where I can't report bugs (see first attached screenshot below). Basically a few months ago I reported a bug and since then it says, "You have either already completed the survey or your session has expired." I have signed in and out several times since then, but it makes no difference.

2. When I highlight any text in purple it doesn't appear. I have to use the underline highlight for the purple.

3. When I highlight any text in red, the red highlight is SUPER dim and faint. I also have to do the underline highlight in order for it to show up. It used to be a much darker red but brightened up for some reason recently.
Screenshot 2024-12-24 092939.png
Screenshot 2024-12-24 093402.png
Screenshot 2024-12-24 093402.png (15.77 KiB) Viewed 817 times
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Re: A few bugs in the LDS Scripture web study app


Post by BrianEdwards »

prk0ur wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2024 9:34 am Just going to list these numerically, the 1st bug I'm going to explain why I didn't use the "Feedback" button that's available to give this stuff.
A standard suggestion is to try using private/incognito mode. Web browsers often have problems with cookie-buildup for church webpages, and if a private browsing session is successful, then deleting the browsing data (at least for the churchofjesuschrist.org domain) should resolve the problem.

And just for clarity, this Tech Forum is not connected to the Church Support team. Forum members can provide suggestions for workarounds and the like, but there's no process for getting your input from the Forum into the Church system. You may be aware of this, but just sharing since I know this distinction is not readily apparent.
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Re: A few bugs in the LDS Scripture web study app


Post by prk0ur »

Thank you for the reply. I tried the private browser already and unfortunately didn't help. Thats good to know that it's not connected to the Church Support Team. That's suprising since it's officially on the Church's website and their feedback button is broken :/
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Re: A few bugs in the LDS Scripture web study app


Post by rmrichesjr »

To submit feedback (bug reports or otherwise), you could use the Feedback button/link on the Church website main page and start by stating very clearly that you are submitting feedback about the app.
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