Using ChatGPT for scripture study, lesson planning, talks, come follow me, and more.

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Using ChatGPT for scripture study, lesson planning, talks, come follow me, and more.


Post by johntippets »

Hey friends,

I've been using ChatGPT in my scripture study for writing talks, Sunday school lessons, Come Follow Me, and more to find scriptures relevant to my questions at unparalleled speed. I've found it incredibly useful, especially when using a customized GPT specifically instructed to find scriptures from the standard works. I like to think of it as an interactive topical guide/bible dictionary that can help create outlines/drafts for lessons, talks, and more.

I'd like to hear how other members use ChatGPT or other AI tools in church activities and study at home.

For paid ChatGPT users, I've created a few GPTs specifically instructed to understand that its purpose is to help members of the church with their scripture study, ONLY pulling answers from the standard works (The Bible, The Book of Mormon, the D&C, and The Pearl of Great Price). I've corrected it a few times on minor things like using the church's correct name, etc. If anyone besides myself pays for ChatGPT already, I'd be interested to get feedback. So far, it's been pretty good at giving good answers (shoutout to all the members correcting ChatGPT when they use it for church purposes), but I want to ensure it's not spouting false doctrine. If other people find it useful, I'll try to create a free version on a website so anyone can use it without paying for ChatGPT. I receive no financial benefit whatsoever; I just think it's very useful for scripture study and church service. I believe other members would benefit from an AI study companion for the scriptures as I have benefited greatly.

Check out my scripture study GPT's on ChatGPT's website:

For fastest results for most prompts: ... dy-gpt-new (search the entire standard works)
Note: Pulls scriptures from the internet, but does not have web search turned on. Includes DALL-E image creation.

For slower results but to do more complex tasks:
- ... dy-gpt-old (search the Bible and the Book of Mormon)
- ... mormon-gpt (search only the Book of Mormon)
- (search only the Bible)
Note: Pulls directly from the text of the scriptures. Includes DALL-E image creation. Uses .txt files of the Book of Mormon and the Bible I copied over from Project Gutenberg (shoutout to them). I don't know if anyone has .txt or JSON versions of the D&C or Pearl of Great Price, I've only been able to find PDF versions of those on the church's website, and PDF has caused me significantly slower load times so far.

Feel free to contact me directly if interested in giving feedback:
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Re: Using ChatGPT for scripture study, lesson planning, talks, come follow me, and more.


Post by sbradshaw »

I haven't used generative AI a lot, and I don't have any experience setting up my own model, but there's a basic chatbot at the bottom corner of It doesn't have a lot of functions yet, but I expect it will improve over time. There's also LDSBot – not an official Church tool, but does a pretty good job at answering Church-related questions. I tried plugging in a scripture reference (1 Nephi 3:7) and it pulled it up for me.

The scriptures are available in text and JSON format at a few places on GitHub. Note that chapter summaries, footnotes, and other study helps published with the scriptures are still in copyright – but the actual scripture text in English is in public domain now, with the exception of Official Declaration 2, which was first published in 1978.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Using ChatGPT for scripture study, lesson planning, talks, come follow me, and more.


Post by grantj »

Another resource which uses a chatgpt like AI model but focuses just on conference talks so the answers to questions are taken just from the talks given in conference.
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Re: Using ChatGPT for scripture study, lesson planning, talks, come follow me, and more.


Post by rareay » is a fun little website. Run by the BH Roberts foundation, or more accurately, run by LDS millennial creative types with that generation's sense of humor.
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Re: Using ChatGPT for scripture study, lesson planning, talks, come follow me, and more.


Post by brandonreed08 »

You can create a chatbot doing the samething that any user can access on it's not hidden behind a pay wall.
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Re: Using ChatGPT for scripture study, lesson planning, talks, come follow me, and more.


Post by codyzzd »

I agree that having an AI study companion can be incredibly beneficial, providing quick access to relevant scriptures and aiding in the preparation of talks, lessons, and discussions.
I use Simplified to draft church-related articles and content for our church's website. It streamlines the process and helps in organizing thoughts effectively. You can find its price on this list of the best AI content writing tools, in case you might need such a tool for your writing talks and lessons.
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Re: Using ChatGPT for scripture study, lesson planning, talks, come follow me, and more.


Post by »

I completely agree that using a AI for creating lessons and the like but it has also been warned against specifically for young adults in a series by Elder Bednar called "Things as they really are." Use your own judgment for it, as we all have days when we don't prepare a whole lesson (or one at all.)

Here is the link to the most recent one, as published the Church News ... cial_share
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Re: Using ChatGPT for scripture study, lesson planning, talks, come follow me, and more.


Post by BrianEdwards » wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 3:14 pm I completely agree that using a AI for creating lessons and the like but it has also been warned against specifically for young adults in a series by Elder Bednar called "Things as they really are." Use your own judgment for it, as we all have days when we don't prepare a whole lesson (or one at all.)

Here is the link to the most recent one, as published the Church News ... cial_share
That's a great reference with up-to-date counsel regarding foundational gospel principles, and how to apply them to the "limitless perils and untold possibilities" of AI. Highly recommend his entire message.
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Re: Using ChatGPT for scripture study, lesson planning, talks, come follow me, and more.


Post by sbradshaw »

Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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