greggo wrote: ↑Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:36 pm
It turns out that the calculation of the amount that will be swept is not either of the cases that I described.
My conclusion was correct that the 50% is on the total stake budget (including ward budgets); however, the sweep is only looking at how much is remaining in the stake’s budget only (not including the ward budgets).
So, for example, if the total stake allotment for 2023 is $50,000, and the total amount remaining at the end of the year for all stake/ward budgets is $40,000, but the amount in the stake only budget is $10,000, then the amount to be swept will be nothing – since $10,000 is less than $25,000 (50% x $50,000).
It doesn’t make much sense to me why the sweep only pertains to a portion of what’s remaining when it’s based on 50% of the total allotment…but there it is.
As we approach "sweep season", I decided to take another look at our stake numbers since I had been unable to clearly explain how our stake has not been swept the past two years. The only equation that made sense, and worked each time with our numbers, was as greggo describes above. This year I decided to approach it a little different and calculate it as a ratio between the stake budget ending balance and the total deposits (stake + wards) for the year. It takes a different path but arrives at the same destination. Using greggo's example above, if all deposits for the stake + wards was $50,000 and the stake budget ending balance on Dec 31 was $10,000, then the ratio is 0.2 or 20% with no sweep occurring since its under 50%.
To test it out with my stake numbers, I got the stake deposits number from the Year-to-Date Total (in bold) on the bottom of page 3 of the 4th Quarter Local Unit Budget Allowance Report sent out in Oct. For the stake budget balance, I used the LCR-Finance > Overview > Income and Expense Summary page. I left it on Stake Summary and read the Budget End Balance column. Taking the Budget End Balance / YTD deposit total gave me 14.5% for 2024 (thus far), 15.9% for 2023, and 47.4% for 2022. I then tried using the stake + all ward ending balances / YTD deposits (as one GSC response suggested) and got 80.7% for 2024 (thus far), 59.0% for 2023, and 119.0% for 2022. Using the stake ending balance vs total stake allotment to calculate if 50% was exceeded as greggo describes seems to explain why we haven't been swept for the past two years since the sweeps were first implemented and
shouldn't be swept for 2024. (For some extra 'gee-whiz' info, I did the same for all our wards/branches to see where they're at with budget balance vs yearly allotment and it really made a couple data points pop out for discussion at the next stake presidency meeting.