Nonstop 2-step verification

Church Account is the primary user account (user name and password) for accessing online Church resources. Church Account was formerly known as LDS Account. This forum is a space to discuss all things related to Church Accounts (registration, account recovery, user experience, vulnerabilities, etc.).
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Nonstop 2-step verification


Post by jpandersen »

Good morning. I recently saw updates to the log-in screen and 2-step verification. I cannot enable log-in for 30 days any more and now am being required to do 2-step verification incessantly every single time I log in, even if it's just a few minutes apart. And it always defaults to the text message option, which is annoying because it takes longer to do that than to use Okta verify, although it's also annoying to have to do that every single time as well. It is highly frustrating to have to do that multiple times a day, let alone multiple times within an hour, when I'm regularly logging in and using the church website both personally (stake executive secretary) and for work (I also work for the church, and even some of my work websites don't require me to do 2-step verification every single time I log in like the ecclesiastical side of things is making me do). I checked my account settings, and the checkbox enabling 2-step verification is checked but I'm not able to uncheck it. That option is unavailable to me and locked/grayed out based on my position/calling, I'm assuming because that's what the info icon says. Anyone know if the stay logged in for 30 days is coming back or if we can adjust this somehow? Thanks!
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Re: Nonstop 2-step verification


Post by caillines »

I'm wondering if the removal of the 30 days thing is part of the process of mitigating the log-in permissions glitches/bugs (showing wrong user and/or incorrectly maintaining login status).
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Re: Nonstop 2-step verification


Post by BrianEdwards »

I don't have MFA enabled, but I have noticed that my login screen does not remember my login name anymore, and doesn't have any toggle to "remember me". Bummed because I was so happy when that finally became a thing, but I've survived so far... ;)
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Re: Nonstop 2-step verification


Post by barwillhansen »

I started experiencing the same thing recently with my login. I downloaded the OKTA app and using that, however I am curious why all of a sudden I am having to do this. I am a stake clerk and I am in and out of LCR many times daily. Can anyone please help? Why is this happening? What can I do to make it go away? Is it associated with my calling? :x
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