Error in Welfare Payment

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Error in Welfare Payment


Post by jcruse »

Last Sunday, I wrote two reimbursements to the RS president in error; should have only been one. These were done through EFT; RS president has received both in her account. She recognized the error and contacted the bishop and myself.

I contacted SLC this morning, via chat. To fix the error, I was told:
--go in to the duplicate expense, change the category to "budget administration", in order to remove the recipients of assistance.
--the rs president returns the amount to "budget administration"
--all is balanced

Tried that, received an error message on the screen after doing the work to the change the budget category.

Called SLC back. This time I was told that there is no way to remove those individuals as being shown having received assistance. And the RS president turns the check in through fast offering, with the donor as our ward.

So...which one is it? Or, is there an actual 3rd version that will work?

I don't like the 2nd version; it would be much cleaner not to show folks having received assistance that they didn't actually receive. Seems like there should be a way to clear this out.
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Re: Error in Welfare Payment


Post by caillines »

Keep in mind that if she donates it back through fast offering it will show up on her personal tax statement from the church as a tax deductible donation.
This seems like an odd thing for GSC to suggest given it's a repayment not a donation.
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Re: Error in Welfare Payment


Post by eblood66 »

caillines wrote: Sat Nov 30, 2024 3:43 pm Keep in mind that if she donates it back through fast offering it will show up on her personal tax statement from the church as a tax deductible donation.
According to the post, support said the donor should be listed as the ward rather than the RS president. That way it won't show up on her personal tax statement.
jcruse wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2024 10:47 am So...which one is it? Or, is there an actual 3rd version that will work?

I don't like the 2nd version; it would be much cleaner not to show folks having received assistance that they didn't actually receive. Seems like there should be a way to clear this out.
The first version would be cleaner but if the system won't let you change the category from fast offering to budget then the 2nd is likely the only option. Personally I would upload an additional document to the returned expense that identifies that it is a duplicate and the batch number of the returned payment. The amount actually paid for that recipient will be wrong but if the stake president or stake clerk are raise any questions then the documentation will show the real situation.
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