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Post by zaneclark »

First of all, I am NOT complaining, just curious.
I have used Feedback several times to report bugs or request information. I have never heard back from any of them, and this is fine as long as I know that my Feedback is actually being read by someone. It might be good for those on the receiving end of Feedback to give us a brief explanation of what happens to our posts. I know they are working on fixing existing features and adding new ones, but do the Feedback posts help in all these endeavors?
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Post by aebrown »

zaneclark wrote:First of all, I am NOT complaining, just curious.
I have used Feedback several times to report bugs or request information. I have never heard back from any of them, and this is fine as long as I know that my Feedback is actually being read by someone. It might be good for those on the receiving end of Feedback to give us a brief explanation of what happens to our posts. I know they are working on fixing existing features and adding new ones, but do the Feedback posts help in all these endeavors?

There are several indications that the answer is a definite yes. Perhaps the best response is this recent post from a Church employee:
RussellJD wrote:Given the sheer number of feedback items that are received it would literally take an army of staff to respond to every single feedback item that is received. (Just to give a little perspective, almost 6,500 items of feedback have been received in the last 30 days, which equates to over 200/day.)

However, all of the feedback is forwarded to the correct person who is over the appropriate section of They then must fit feature requests/bug fixes into the overall roadmap/timeline of the site.
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Proper way to submit a very specific bug


Post by howick »

How would I submit a very specific bug? I have a member of my branch who has his preferred name listed appropriately on his records, but his last name is unavailable in all reports (directory, map, unit statistics, etc.). It's pretty annoying. I've tried several times to resubmit his record to force an update of his preferred name to no avail. Can you tell me who I should talk to? Cheers.
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Post by aebrown »

howick wrote:How would I submit a very specific bug? I have a member of my branch who has his preferred name listed appropriately on his records, but his last name is unavailable in all reports (directory, map, unit statistics, etc.). It's pretty annoying. I've tried several times to resubmit his record to force an update of his preferred name to no avail. Can you tell me who I should talk to? Cheers.
The feedback mechanism referred to earlier in this thread can be used even for very specific issues. But you may or may not get a response (even if the issue is being acted on). For the particular issue you describe, it might be appropriate to contact Local Unit Support (I assume you are a clerk or leader in that branch). They would be able to help you know if there appears to be any problem on the membership record.
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Post by kisaac »

howick wrote:How would I submit a very specific bug? I have a member of my branch who has his preferred name listed appropriately on his records, but his last name is unavailable in all reports (directory, map, unit statistics, etc.). It's pretty annoying. I've tried several times to resubmit his record to force an update of his preferred name to no avail. Can you tell me who I should talk to? Cheers.
Welcome to the Forum, howick!
These issues can be stubborn, and when dealing with such a specific issue such as a name displaying wrong, feedback probably isn't going to help you correct it. As aebrown suggests, call local unit support, or I've found sending a message via MLS MESSAGING to Membership, making sure your give every detail (name, membership number, problem you are seeing, etc.,) a helpful place to start. If you are not a clerk, have your membership clerk track the problem down using these techniques.
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Church Website Pages Unreachable


Post by Yeldarb1970 »

I am noticing many web pages on this domain that are unreachable. Notably, most of 1st and 2nd Corinthians in the church library section. Just thought you should know if you don't already.
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Re: Church Website Pages Unreachable


Post by rmrichesjr »

Yeldarb1970 wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 5:41 pm I am noticing many web pages on this domain that are unreachable. Notably, most of 1st and 2nd Corinthians in the church library section. Just thought you should know if you don't already.
I just skimmed all chapters of 1st and 2nd Corinthians without problem.

The difficulty you're seeing might be from the cookie build-up problem. To test that hypothesis, choose a page you cannot see normally, then try to view it in private or incognito mode. If that works, then clear your browser cache and delete Church-related cookies. That should solve the cookie build-up problem for a while, until it builds up again.
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