WISE attendance

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WISE attendance


Post by mcwells55 »

I haven't been able to access WISE since last week. I am using this link

https://wise2.churchofjesuschrist.org/a ... rms/211444

I have used multiple browsers and have cleared cache and cookies. You can see the WISE landing page starting to load, I can read just a bit before it flips to this:


How can I gain access to WISE again?
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Re: WISE attendance


Post by BrianEdwards »

The Tech Forum doesn't seem to get a lot of traffic from WISE users, so you may not get a helpful response (we're all regular Church members like yourself, without insider knowledge of Church systems). When I was using WISE many moons ago, I often asked questions of other seminary teachers (or our seminary coordinator) when issues like that popped up, to see if they also were seeing the same problems. It sounds like you've tried the standard ideas that are often suggested here in the Forum, so it would be good to ensure it's something the other WISE users are also seeing.

If it is a common issue, I'd suggest sending it up the CES pipeline, which might have a better chance of getting a response from somebody with knowledge of what's going on, and possible workarounds.
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