Reporting quarterly ministering interviews for couple companionships

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Reporting quarterly ministering interviews for couple companionships


Post by debbiejoharvey »

The handbook says that a married couple assigned to minister together can be interviewed by either the EQ or RS. I can’t see the couple companionships on the RS side of the tools app. I can see if they’ve been interviewed on the EQ side.

If I check a sister as having been interviewed, it also checks the EQ side. But, this happens even if the sister is interviewed regarding assignments she has on a route with a ministering sister companion to sisters NOT on the couples’ list.

Other than checking the sister companion (rather than the one also assigned to a route with her husband), is there a way around that? Do I have to create a second version of the couple companionship on the RS side in order to see it? If I do that, will my interview check for the sister register to the EQ companionship and vise versa?

I don’t think this was how it was a few years ago when I was RSP in a different ward when ministering was first introduced.
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