Book of Mormon AudioBook MP3's in different Languages

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Post by mkmurray »

Yes, I apologize. I think I didn't grasp the concept correctly and went off on a different tangent. My mistake. Thank you for the correction.
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Post by tomj »

It's true, in many languages, a simple misconjugation in the spoken word could change it from present tense to past tense/ past to futures . . . . . . . etc.
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Post by russellhltn »

tomw wrote:I think that mis-speaking is the issue. It is so easy for someone to leave out a word, add a word, pronounce a word wrong, etc.
And yet that sounds like something that could be addressed. If you get someone to record it, and then having it reviewed by the committee before release that would still be less work then doing it all themselves. One issue is getting a good speaker and a good recording. A recording done in a controlled setting to allow re-takes at a later date.

To make it manageable, one might want to have one speaker do one book. Or better yet use one speaker for each prophet.
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Post by reachtheworld-p40 »

Once again, I really think this is something independent people, or an independent organized group, could set off and do on their own. Not everything has to go through official Church channels. It is a slothful servant that thinks the only way to do things has to be through official programs.

For example, W. Cleon Skousen and Wendell Noble produced "Treasures from the Book of Mormon" a series of cassette tapes that read the text of the Book of Morrmon and also provide commentary. ... eaudio.htm

So if you're fluent in Swahili, or know someone who is, I say go for it.
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Church Legal Department response!!!


Post by mkmurray »

reachtheworld wrote:Not everything has to go through official Church channels. It is a slothful servant that thinks the only way to do things has to be through official programs.
Tom has already given us an official Church response:
tomw wrote:I discussed this with the legal department that handles such requests. Here was their reply:
In accordance with instructions from the Scriptures Committee, to preserve the integrity and accuracy of the scriptures, our office has denied these types of requests. Requests by non-profit entities serving the handicapped have been approved pursuant to an agreement that will appropriately preserve accuracy.
The Church owns all the rights to the scriptures and we should honor their request! The Church may not sue you, but they are obviously concerned about keeping the sanctity and accuracy of the scriptures in tact!
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The Process


Post by leejj »

I know the Area Office here has been trying to get a few different Book of Mormon audio files for languages in the region. According to the scripture committee, the process goes like this.

First released in:

Book (Print)
Audio (MP3, etc)

I'm sure as the scriptures are released online over the next year or so you will begin to see more and more audio scriptures right along with it. Imagine how that will help our missionaries worldwide when they can listen to scriptures in their target language.

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Re: Book of Mormon AudioBook MP3's in different Languages


Post by philstaggs »

Is it possible to purchase the Book of Mormon in some form of records, CD, or tapes in the language of Italian?
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Re: Book of Mormon AudioBook MP3's in different Languages


Post by bryan.holman »

So, I was recently overjoyed when i clicked the headphones icon to listen to my text to speech Mandarin Chinese audio and actual audio, beautiful and pleasing to the ear came out. You can imagine my disappointment when I went from 1 Nephi 16 to 1 Nephi 17 and it was text to speech audio again. Naively I thought it was for the whole Book of Mormon. Any idea when that will happen? How can I stay abreast of the situation? Thank you.
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