Shows Wrong Location

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Post by mzundel »

I had someone come into the ward office that was trying to figure out which ward he should be attending. While in my search, I used It showed the location of my building and the stake building. The stake building was mapped to the wrong location though. It was mapped in Clearfield and it should have been in Roy.

Here are the steps to recreate the problem. I have scrubbed the data so his address is not being exposed.

1. Goto
2. Search the address: 2575 W 4750 S, Roy, UT, USA
3. The "Assigned Congregations" shows as Roy 7th Ward and note the address: 4900 S 2000 W, Roy, UT
4. If you follow the map, that address is near the busy corner of 1900 W and 4800 S. but the application places it down in Clearfield near State St.

It seems that what ever is feeding the back-end to google maps is not being feed the correct information. This is because the address is correct and maps it to the correct location.
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Post by opee »

mzundel wrote:I had someone come into the ward office that was trying to figure out which ward he should be attending. While in my search, I used It showed the location of my building and the stake building. The stake building was mapped to the wrong location though. It was mapped in Clearfield and it should have been in Roy.

You can use the FEEDBACK link in the top right corner to let the Church Support know of the discrepancy.
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Post by opee »

larrydkb wrote:My question: is anybody manning the "feedback" link? I've written a couple times over the past few months and nothing has changed. What is the recommended next step?

A unit in my Stake was not in the correct location. I sent an email, and it has been fixed. So, I know that it is monitored and does get changed. I am not sure how long it takes to make the change or how many feedback comments are in the queue.
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Post by lajackson »

larrydkb wrote:I've written a couple times over the past few months and nothing has changed. What is the recommended next step?
If it has been a month, I would sent another feedback, including the comment that it is a followup feedback. They do get misplaced from time to time.

If you tag it as a followup, they seem to be a bit more careful in seeing that the change is made.
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Post by russellhltn »

larrydkb wrote:My question: is anybody manning the "feedback" link? I've written a couple times over the past few months and nothing has changed. What is the recommended next step?
It might be an issue as to what exactly is wrong. There's a few different databases being pulled together to make maps work. The first is the maps that tell the system what areas belong to what wards. I have no idea how a discrepancy here gets fixed. It probably goes back to the stake leaders for correction. Who knows how long it will take them to resolve an issue.

Next, it has to look up where that ward goes to. I'm not sure where this data comes from. Again, it may come from the stake. Possibly the FM group.

Then there's the database that maps the building to a location. This I understand comes from the FM group, but is also the quickest to fix if there's a problem.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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