Using LCR to keep a list of choir members

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Using LCR to keep a list of choir members


Post by tobynixon »

I am our Ward music coordinator. The ward choir director and I maintain a list in a spreadsheet of the members of the ward who are interested in the choir. Not all of them attend choir practices regularly, but they want to be on the email list to be informed and join when they can. Being a choir member is not an official calling, but it sure would be nice to be able to use the directory to flag members who are interested in choir practices and performances, and to be able to use the "send message" function to generate emails to all of them, rather than using a separate email list. Is there any way to do this in LCR that we haven't found yet? Could we, for example, create a "class" that consisted of the choir members and then email that class? It looks like there's a "group" function, but nobody seems to know how to use groups; could we create a group for the choir members? Thanks for your help.
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Re: Using LCR to keep a list of choir members


Post by russellhltn »

I'm not sure there are tools to be able to do that.

What can be done is have the ward create a calendar for choir members. You can schedule the practices on that. There are options to have the calendar send email reminders, but the members have to have that feature turned on at their end as well.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Using LCR to keep a list of choir members


Post by sbradshaw »

It is possible to create a class in Leader and Clerk Resources, but it would show under Sunday School, and it would cause people to be removed from their regular Sunday School class rolls, which is probably not want you want. Maintaining a spreadsheet (with permission from members for their contact information to be included in the spreadsheet) may be the simplest solution.

My ward uses GroupMe for messaging the choir, and there are a few other similar services that could be used, but that has downsides too (like requiring people to use another app).
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Using LCR to keep a list of choir members


Post by aplucinik »

I would think that a ward choir would not have a significantly large number of members. Thus, I would simply create an email group called "Ward Choir" in my personal email application. I would simply compose and send an email to "Ward Choir" which would go to everyone you placed in that email group. One email for all choir members.
Allan Plucinik
Ward Executive Secretary
Colorado Springs, CO
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