• Yellow/Gold: A member of thr Godhead (Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, or any mention of any of their various names
• Green: “Go,” or any commandment we were asked to keep, or a commandment that someone else was asked to keep, or something someone did that we could emulate or follow their example.
• Red: “Stop,” or the opposite of the above.
• Purple: “Promises,” or any promised blessings as we obey those items in green (or disobey or do the items in red).
So I had been following this pattern for nearly a decade, through the beginning of Come Follow Me and all the way through to now.
However, some update happened to Gospel Library back in ~2018 that pushed all my highlights a few words to the right. Now my highlights are all wrong, and it has been so incredibly frustrating having to delete multiple highlights per verse (!!!!) and redo every single color.
It has been so frustrating that i have actually *wished* there were a way to just delete ALL the notes I’ve done because they are all wrong, and seeing the ones I've made just makes me so sad.
The time I invested and now having to invest twice as much time to delete manually every single tiny highlight, I just don't know why this happened or why i cant revert it back.
Has this happened to anyone else? Is there anything I can do to fix this, or mahbe even just delete all the highlights all at once??