Phantom Temple Ordinance Reservation on Dashboard

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Phantom Temple Ordinance Reservation on Dashboard


Post by mevans »

I logged in this morning and when it went to the "Dashboard" landing page after logging in, I noticed that it says I have an appointment for Initiatories in the new Taylorsville, Utah temple on Friday, June 7.
Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 8.32.49 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 8.32.49 AM.png (15.05 KiB) Viewed 413 times
That's odd. I haven't made any such reservation. When I click on the link, it takes me to the correct status indicating I don't have any current reservations:
Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 8.34.19 AM.png
Maybe they're trying to fill the temple in its first week of operation? It would be fun to go, but a very long commute to get there. Is anyone else seeing erroneous appointments on the dashboard page?
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