The EFT needs manual approval by the CUBS user (i.e. over disbursement limit)

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The EFT needs manual approval by the CUBS user (i.e. over disbursement limit)


Post by nathangg »

In LCR > Finance > Expenses > Expenses Summary I can click on the "REF#" for a recent expense. This expense has an EFT payment type and the member has said they haven't got reimbursed yet, so I decided to investigate.

Upon clicking the ref number, I see an Expense Detail page, with the reference number, the amount, and an "EFT Status:" of "Pending Approval" with a little information icon next to the pending approval words.

When I click the "i" icon, it says:

The EFT needs manual approval by the CUBS user (i.e. over disbursement limit)

I've never seen this before, and I'm unsure of who needs to do the manual approval. I searched this forum and didn't see an answer, so I thought I'd create a new topic. I'll report back when I find out what to do.

Thank you~!
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Re: The EFT needs manual approval by the CUBS user (i.e. over disbursement limit)


Post by BrianEdwards »

Very interesting indeed, perhaps somebody else has come across this before! For reference, anything particularly noteworthy about either the amount of the expense, or how much the reimbursee has recently been paid back for expenses? Or does everything seem like a normal expense that isn't an outlier?
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Re: The EFT needs manual approval by the CUBS user (i.e. over disbursement limit)


Post by nathangg »

I called the Finance Support line and they said to just wait and it would be reviewed, approved as part of their normal operations.

And indeed, that is what happened. No user input needed from the ward nor the bishopric nor the bishop. It appears that in certain cases there is an additional, manual(?) approval that may be required and it appears that it only happens on regular business days. (I only mention that because the ward member was wondering what was taking so long and the expense was submitted late enough on a Friday over a holiday weekend that it took until Tuesday for it to get the additional approval).

Thank you~
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