service ink container

This forum contains resources meant to answer the most frequently asked questions relating to the local unit copier program; also, instructional documentation related to basic operation of copiers, features, and toner cartridge and drum replacement.
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service ink container


Post by tracyleesmith »

we have a HP pagwide pro mfp 577 dw. I am getting a message to replace the duplex module to reduce smearing.
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Re: service ink container


Post by davesudweeks »

tracyleesmith wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 9:22 am we have a HP pagwide pro mfp 577 dw. I am getting a message to replace the duplex module to reduce smearing.
You should reach out to the agent bishop in your building. He should know who is responsible for ordering the printer materials. If this is the printer in your materials center, be aware that the agent bishop might change from year-to-year based on assignments from the stake president.

Also, I recommend you keep that individual periodically informed of printer status and supplies - it's frustrating to be told on Sunday morning that the printer is suddenly out of toner and yet those using it have been receiving low toner warnings for several weeks but never said anything to anyone. In my prior experience, ordering through the church channels was a quick process (only a few days in the USA). You can help them help you.
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