Donate to a missionary not in my ward

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Donate to a missionary not in my ward


Post by peydaze »

I have been donating to my own ward for months online. I want to donate to another ward specifically to a missionary. How do I do this?
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Re: Donate to a missionary not in my ward


Post by russellhltn »

From the Help/FAQ files:

Q2. Can I make a donation to a ward missionary fund in another ward?

A2. Yes, you can make a donation to another ward or branch’s ward missionary fund, but you will need to know the unit number of that ward or branch. Go to Make a Donation, click Select a missionary, and then click Missionary in Other Ward/Branch. (Note: Currently you can only contribute to a ward's missionary fund for U.S. wards and branches.)
1.Enter the ward or branch number, and click Select. For help in getting a ward or branch number, click How to get a Ward/Branch number.
2.From the drop-down list, select the name of the missionary, and enter the amount you want to donate.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Donate to a missionary not in my ward


Post by mkwilton »

I've got a missionary's grandparents who want to contribute to his mission fund (they are from another ward), but refuse to use the Online Donation. Is it possible to do this the old way (on a tithing slip)?
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Re: Donate to a missionary not in my ward


Post by russellhltn »

mkwilton wrote:I've got a missionary's grandparents who want to contribute to his mission fund (they are from another ward), but refuse to use the Online Donation. Is it possible to do this the old way (on a tithing slip)?
Yes, but they'll have to send the envelope to that ward's bishop. I'm not sure if a ward to ward transfer is possible. Even if it's possible, I'd hesitate to commit the clerks to doing it.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Donate to a missionary not in my ward


Post by eblood66 »

russellhltn wrote:
mkwilton wrote:I've got a missionary's grandparents who want to contribute to his mission fund (they are from another ward), but refuse to use the Online Donation. Is it possible to do this the old way (on a tithing slip)?
Yes, but they'll have to send the envelope to that ward's bishop. I'm not sure if a ward to ward transfer is possible. Even if it's possible, I'd hesitate to commit the clerks to doing it.
Ward to ward transfer is only available between wards in the same stake and the receiving ward would have to also re-categorize each transfer to the correct specific missionary account. Much better to just mail the envelope to the bishop of the ward the missionary is from.

If the MRN is included on the tithing slip (and the receiving clerk correctly links the donor record using it) then the donations should still show up online and in the year-end consolidated tithing report and tax statement.
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Re: Donate to a missionary not in my ward


Post by lajackson »

When family members wanted to contribute to the ward missionary fund for our children while they served, I used to mail contribution envelopes with donation slips inside from our ward to them. I would usually send six at a time. It gave me an opportunity to thank them for their contributions, and to provide new envelopes when there was a change in bishops.
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Donate to a missionary outside the U.S


Post by betteroffsal »

Question:How do you contribute to a missionary account for non-US missionary whose home Ward is also non-US?
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Re: Donate to a missionary outside the U.S


Post by russellhltn »

betteroffsal wrote:Question:How do you contribute to a missionary account for non-US missionary whose home Ward is also non-US?
As far as I know, the church doesn't provide a way to do that. I suppose you could send funds to the bishop of that ward, but in some countries, it's risky to send anything of value through the mail.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Donate to a missionary not in my ward


Post by jdlessley »

You can follow the instructions on the eDonation slip which states; "To donate to the missionary fund of another ward or branch, you will need to enter that unit's number. Please contact the ward or branch to obtain its unit number. Note that the unit must be in the same country where the donation is made." An alternate method is to use the Meetinghouse Locator app. Enter the name of the unit in the search text box and then select the unit name from the list of units found. After the unit has been selected the unit number is found in the web browser URL. The URL "" shows the unit number; where the "XXXXXX" is the unit number.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Donate to a missionary not in my ward


Post by bonndean »

Thank you jdlesley. This worked perfectly for me.
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