Guiding Principles for the Church of Jesus Christ’s Use of Artificial Intelligence

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Guiding Principles for the Church of Jesus Christ’s Use of Artificial Intelligence


Post by BrianEdwards »

Just thought it useful to share this Newsroom article about how the Church envisions using AI to support the work of salvation. I know there's a lot of really tech-y Forum members who are skilled in new technologies (I'm always amazed and a bit intimidated by how much knowledge many church members have!). And as we all engage with AI, it's good to review and internalize what the Church's own guidelines are. This will help manage our expectations of where and how the Church might integrate AI, as well as guide our own efforts if we want to integrate things like generative AI into our callings or anything church-related.

I especially appreciated the "reminder that the restored Church of Jesus Christ is not primarily a purveyor of information but a source of God’s truth."

Guiding Principles for the Church of Jesus Christ’s Use of Artificial Intelligence
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Re: Guiding Principles for the Church of Jesus Christ’s Use of Artificial Intelligence


Post by david151 »

My hopes are for live translations through AI, I currently attend a branch where I don’t speak the language and usually skip 2nd hour. The new update to ChatGPT looks very promising for translation services.

Really hope we don’t see more “auto-fill” responses and messages powered by AI being used by local leadership. Predictive messaging is cool but feels too impersonal for when we minister to one another. Work emails can continue to use AI, I know I’ve been guilty of submitting an entire white paper written by AI to a client, church employees can do the same.
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