Seminary TVs using Building WIFI

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Seminary TVs using Building WIFI


Post by gregreenwood »

The TV used for seminary that have WIFI capability cannot get on the internet for the teachers to show video content because the Liahona uses the captive internet connection and the TVs don't know how to handle the second level needed to access the internet. Is there a way to add a blind SSID to existing equipment (WIFI router) that the TVs can access?
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Re: Seminary TVs using Building WIFI


Post by russellhltn »

The stake technology specialist will need to go into Church Network Manager and add the TV to the "NoSplash" policy. It exists for exactly this situation.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Seminary TVs using Building WIFI


Post by Mikerowaved »

gregreenwood wrote: Sun May 05, 2024 5:44 pm The TV used for seminary that have WIFI capability cannot get on the internet for the teachers to show video content...
Personally, I wouldn't rely on a TV's capability to show content. I would think the seminary instructors would chose to stream from a personal phone/tablet/laptop that's wired to the TV instead. Content could even be DL'ed the night before so the lack of internet doesn't spoil a perfectly good lesson plan.
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Re: Seminary TVs using Building WIFI


Post by BrianEdwards »

Additionally, I expect some Bishops may have intentionally decided to not connect the TV's to the internet for general usage (not saying I advocate that, but different Bishops have different ideas). Probably not your situation, but it might be good to make sure the Bishop knows if this change is made by the tech specialist, just in case there's any considerations from him.
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Re: Seminary TVs using Building WIFI


Post by russellhltn »

BrianEdwards wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 8:43 am Additionally, I expect some Bishops may have intentionally decided to not connect the TV's to the internet for general usage (not saying I advocate that, but different Bishops have different ideas).
If it's connected, it's just a matter of time before it's used by members to view programming not related to any church supported programs. Perhaps during times when they should be in another meeting or out tracting.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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