Can a member donate to activities through their work?

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Can a member donate to activities through their work?


Post by chris24froelich »

A member has reached out and asked if his company can make a charitable donation directly to our youth activities budget. He said that from what he can see, he can only donate directly to the church. Is it possible to donate to youth activities through a company organization and is it allowed to do so?
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Re: Can a member donate to activities through their work?


Post by russellhltn »

The only activity anyone can donate to one annual extended Aaronic Priesthood camp, one annual extended Young Women camp or similar activity.

See General Handbook: 20.6 - Policies and Guidelines for Funding Activities.
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Re: Can a member donate to activities through their work?


Post by THEHastings »

I like to think "What would Jesus do"?
As user - russellhltn said; One annual extended camp for young mens or young womens (or similar) is the policy.

But there will be prepatory costs that will be incurred; These costs are open to the spirit of the Lord - what is a prepatory cost, and what is not, is down to revelation and administration. Then provisions can be better provided to support and bless our young people.

This is why church leaders do not give mosaic law (details in every minutiae of the policy) for administration and ministering, rather than be guided by revelation and be meeting peoples needs, but there are boundaries in the limitations i.e. that the costs need to be linked to the camps/or similiar, and for only one camp each.
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Re: Can a member donate to activities through their work?


Post by waltbristow »

Not quite sure what a "prepatory" cost is. If it is the cost to prepare for the one annual extended camp or activity, I'm not sure what difference that would make. Day to day youth activities and programs can only come from the budget. Members cannot contribute to the budget except to reimburse for cash advances, etc. Camps should be paid from budget (ward/branch or stake/district). If needed the unit may hold one fundraiser each year. I don't believe the spirit behind the rules on fundraisers contemplate members (or businesses) simply "donating" funds. My experience is that if the unit cannot pay the complete cost, the principles of self reliance suggest that the youth first try to pay. Next, the family can try to come up with the funds. The next source of funds would be the fundraiser. I believe ( with no source other than personal experience) that fundraisers should be an opportunity for the youth to DO something to raise the necessary funds so that all the youth can participate in the annual camp. It had always made me nervous when units have allocated earned funds to individual youth based on their participation, especially when the allocation is based on the number of hours the youth spent.
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Re: Can a member donate to activities through their work?


Post by BrianEdwards »

waltbristow wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:54 am... I don't believe the spirit behind the rules on fundraisers contemplate members (or businesses) simply "donating" funds....
The Handbook reference 20.6.5 mentioned earlier, discusses this. Particularly, "If a fundraiser is held, it should provide a meaningful value or service." This seems to rule out the donation of funds by any well-meaning individuals or organizations.

I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with anyone making a substantial donation that enables a certain type of activity to occur that otherwise would not be achievable. The guiding principle I take from the Handbook is that the Church considers that budget funds are generally sufficient -- even for camps. My experience is that when the actual goal of any camp or activity is considered, there are almost always simpler or less-expensive ways to achieve that goal, which also generally lessens the load on the leaders in charge of the event. Jesus was the master of teaching through simple and relatable methods, and his disciples often wanted something bigger than what He desired. But that's my two cents ;)

With the various interpretations that different leaders have about fundraisers beyond what's specified in the Handbook, I'd suggest making sure the Bishop speaks with the Stake President to discuss this, as they both have local stewardship.
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Re: Can a member donate to activities through their work?


Post by THEHastings »

@OP (Chris) whilst I agree with the content and thought behind what Brian and Walt have shared.

I think we have to be careful and wary not to miss inform you without the full context of the situation. I also realise that so many other factors are not mentioned that can impact the council that I give like your location or ward size and dynamics.

The most important thing you can do is to specifically pray about it, and fast if necessary. Then if you're still unsure or feel impressed that you take it to the Bishop who holds the keys. As it's his call whether he takes it to stake.

The restored church is led centrally and locally by leaders who receive revelation (all in harmony with each other).

The following is the council I would give, take it or leave it;
I really like Walts points and would highlight the comments around self reliance that if members and youth can afford it then that's great but it should be accessible for all youth. I am mindful that COVID and the cost of living crisis is a global problem and that this company offering support might be the lord's way of alleviating any burden or pressure on their parents or family (just like in early church history when brother tanner donated funds when Joseph Smith stood in need). And absolutely the youth should do something - maybe some community service if the company donates like litter picking or visiting the elderly (as this can be done anywhere globally, but not allocated for hours), and then it teaches them meaningful service whilst again taking pressure from leaders. Personally I would accept the donation, but make sure it is used meaningfully.

There is so much we don't know about the situation, the youth, the leaders, the parents, the area, the purpose.

Having gained my first and potentially most powerful witness of the reality of Christ at a similar event, if what is prepared is focused around building bonds of fellowship in Christ then I would be all for it. Theres nothing more important then helping the next generations gain their own testimonies of Jesus Christ and the restored gospel.

Whilst Jesus is the master of teaching things simply I also understand that as leaders we are not exactly him and that we might need resources and help to share his message especially in a way these new generations can feel through the holy ghost.

I somewhat disagree with Brian (which is both healthy and fine), maybe it's from a different perspective. But it's related to how highly I value any testimony and opportunity to help another person gain theirs.

Good luck
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Re: Can a member donate to activities through their work?


Post by chris24froelich »

Thanks for the responses. We reached out to church headquarters to see if it was even possible, and it’s not. You can however do a general donation to the church from your work. The idea of the question was that this person’s work matches his charitable donation so he thought it would be helpful to have it go toward our youth budget instead of a general bucket, but that’s not possible.
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