Lesson setup suggestion

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Lesson setup suggestion


Post by jzed »

The current way that classes are organized per instructor is a bit cumbersome to setup, and even more so, to view. Here is my use case for how I would like to setup a lesson schedule (for YM Deacon Quorum in this case).

Deacon Quorum has three instructors.
Instructor A will teach week 1, week 4, and week 5 (when there is one)
Instructor B will teach week 2
Instructor C will teach week 3

Following the curriculum guidelines...
For weeks 1, 4, 5 they will use the "Aaronic Priesthood Manual 1" book
For weeks 2 & 3 they will use the "Duties and Blessings of the Priesthood" book

For setup I would basically like to do something like this:
  1. Select the appropriate instructors for the Deacon Quorum
  2. Select the manuals that will be used for the quorum, which lesson for each to start on, what date to start with.
  3. Assign an instructor to each week (week 1, week 2, etc.)
  4. Assign a manual to each week (week 1, week 2, etc.).
  5. Auto populate the lessons based on the above. But of course allow further tweaking after the auto populating of the weeks.
  6. NOTE: When viewing, I want to see the entire lesson schedule for the quorum, across all instructors & manuals in one list.
Currently in the beta, it looks like I have to setup a different lesson schedule for each instructor/manual combination... the above resulting in 3 different schedules (Deacons A, Deacons B, Deacons C), and I can't view them all at once (to see who is up next week, etc.).
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Post by AileneRHerrick »

That's a very good idea, to be able to select instructors and manuals! In our ward, the Relief Society rotates teachers. So does the Elders Quorum and Gospel Doctrine. There may be other organizations as well. But yes, it would be nice to populate only one schedule per class, with whatever manuals and instructors are teaching. Thanks for suggesting this jzed!
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Post by lajackson »

This would also seem to be helpful for a Gospel Doctrine class where there are two teachers who alternate. My position does not allow me to play with the Lesson Schedule, but it sounds as if a Gospel Doctrine class organized like this would have two different schedules, one for each teacher, with alternating lessons.

If one of them was away and they swapped weeks, it would be much easier to change the instructor on a complete list of Gospel Doctrine lessons, than to change the lessons on two different instructor lists, trying to figure out who has the even ones and who has the odd ones now.

And even worse if more than two teachers rotate.
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Post by AileneRHerrick »

I already mentioned my agreement concerning being able to enter multiple instructors. I also agree with the need to be able to enter multiple manuals for the same class. For example, the Relief Society Presidency may want to use the "Daughters in My Kingdom" manual to teach their first Sunday lesson.
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Re: Lesson setup suggestion


Post by jonathan.r.scott »

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Lesson setup suggestion


Post by rmrichesjr »

jonathan.r.scott wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:16 am :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Did you have a suggestion to improve the situation at which you were rolling your eyes?
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Re: Lesson setup suggestion


Post by BrianEdwards »

Perhaps he did not notice that this thread is 11 years old? Seems a bit weird for somebody to be rolling their eyes about a topic that obviously has no current application... especially as you state, without providing any helpful feedback.

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