Problems with Williams Sound PPA T27 Transmitter

Discussions around meetinghouse sound systems, microphones, assisted listening devices, and translation equipment
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Re: Problems with Williams Sound PPA T27 Transmitter


Post by dave.swartz »

Russell is pointing you in the right direction. As the original investigator of this issue we found that the stock church standard microphone from Williams AV is defective. They have reported to me that their entire manufacturing lot from their contact manufacturer is defective. There are untold numbers of these bad microphones in use by church units. The resolution is to have Williams AV replace the defective microphone with a different model that is not affected by this defect.

For our stake we have three units that use translation equipment. Before the swap none of the transmitters had proper deviation even at max gain. The replacement microphones are sensitive and work well. The vendor knows that this is a problem and was very good about replacing the defective microphones with a different model that does work.

Please be respectful and kind when reaching out to the vendor. They had no idea they had this problem until I reached out to them with quantitative test results. A simple replacement of the mic would be good to try.

For our units the transmitter and interpreter are in the chapel. This is a very low power system and distance / walls will significantly attenuate the signal.

All the best.
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